Thursday, June 9, 2011

Final Score - Mavericks 112 Heat 103 Dallas Leads 3-2

WHAT A FUCKING SERIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. "The Mavericks" got 112 points, the "Heat" got 103 points and the "Dallas Leads" got 1 point? I thought most (if not all sports) only allowed 2 teams to compete against each other?

    I don't know what sport you're talking about, but the "Dallas Leads" got creamed. They only had 3 points, then they lost 2 of those points. I feel sorry for them.

  2. This is probably just another example of you joking around but, just in case, it's a 7-game series, bra. Dallas won game 5 and is now leading the series, 3-2. Game 6 is Sunday night in Miami.

  3. As with the Weiner saga,WD strives to make an ass out of himself again.....mission accomplished,

  4. I was going to say that he prefers Weiner to sports but that CLEARLY would wouldn't have sounded apropo.

  5. I prefer politics to sports. I also think they are more important. I guess Rusty thinks that makes me an ass.

    BTW, are you talking about basketball? A "7 game series"? How did they arrive at that number? Pick it out of a hat?

  6. 5 would be too few. 9 would be too much. And, yeah, tradition, too, probably (the World Series, for instance, has always been 7 games).


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