Friday, June 10, 2011

Perceptions on the Weiner

By Fox's standards, Bill O'Reilly can sometimes come across as reasonable. On other occasions, though, he clearly isn't. Take, for instance, some of those recent comments of his pertaining to Mr. Weiner. He actually said in one of his "talking points memos" that the "mainstream media" was trying hard to protect Weiner. I mean, I don't know what programs that Mr. O'Reilly is referring to here, but the one that this viewer saw was CNN's Dana Bash practically ripping Mr. Weiner a new one. And she wasn't alone. Her colleague, Wolf Blitzer, was also driving pretty strong to the hoop. Would those people be going even stronger if the person in question was a Republican? I don't know, maybe, maybe not (most assuredly not in Bash's case). But, that really isn't the question here, now is it?.....................................................................................................P.S. Needless to say, Rachel Maddow is also bellowing foul. According to her, the media is being too HARD (no pun intended) on Weiner. "They're hammering Weiner and leaving and leaving David Vitter alone (never mind the fact that HIS scandal was, what, four years ago/the actual hooker situation itself longer?)". It seems as if the media simply can't win for losing these days.


  1. I agree with Lawrence O'Donnell. Ed Schultz has called for AW to resign, but Lawrence O'Donnell says he should not.

    As for David Vitter, seeing as Rusty as yet to condemn his actions, I think we can guess where Rusty's proclivities lie. If you proclaim your family values superiority all day long but then show your wiener to a hooker... that might make you one of Rusty's heroes.

  2. One of Weiner's sexting partners was 17 years old.Today Debbie Wasserman Shultz told Weiner to resign.

    Hey,at least Vitter was creating work for someone.You cant knock a guy for supporting capitalism,I mean somebody has to help get the economy moving...its pretty damn obvious Obie is clueless.Now,on the other hand if we needed a community to be organized,Barry would be the man for the job.

  3. Well,that seals the deal Nancy Pelosi also called for Weiner to resign....toast.

    You notice the Republicans have stopped asking Weiner to go away...hell,we want this little creep around for 2012.He'd be the dem poster boy.Along with over 9% unemployment,Obie's approval numbers dropping like a rock,I'm standing with WD on this one.Stay Anthony,fight this,stick with us Tony.

  4. I don't think that he should resign, either, wd (I totally agree with O'Donnell). This is strictly between him, his wife, and his constituents. I mean, seriously, what did he frigging do (besides be so damned creepy, I'm saying)? Nothing illegal, as far as I can tell.

  5. And all of these politicians (the stooges asking him to resign, I'm saying) make me sick. Sherrod Brown has a tough campaign coming up and, so, what does he do? He throws Mr. Weiner under the bus. Nice, huh?......And don't even get me going on Eric Cantor. That frigging guy can't even keep track of what he says.


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