Thursday, June 9, 2011

Miscellaneous 79

1) If I ever got into a debate with Ann Coulter, she'd frigging run circles around me. a) She's quick on her feet (I'm not) and b) she's witty (I can be, but mostly tend to crumble under pressure). But I'm telling you here, folks, I could have put up a little more resistance than that "the lights are on but nobody's home" stumble-bum, Joy Behar. I mean, did you see The View today? Coulter was going on and on about the virtues of Reaganism; the fact that revenues went up and that, even though the budget deficits also went up, that was the fault of the Democratic Congress. It was almost like, "Ms. Behar, please, tell her that, yes, revenues in fact did go up in the 90s, but that they also went up in basically every other decade except for the 30s. And, yes, while you're at it, you could also inform the woman that, while the Democrats absolutely did send the President these huge bloated budgets, the great legend, Mr. Reagan, put his nice little John Hancock on every one of them. Of course, if you also wanted to put a little icing on the cake, you could also tell her that this "clear-cut dichotomies between good and evil" schtick of hers, while it may have been uproarious for a while, is really starting to grate on us - BIG TIME!............2) Among the many things that people consider George Soros to be, philanthropist would probably be amongst the most prominent ones. And, yes, he has in fact given away a lot. But, I have to tell you here, as I peruse my way through some of this stuff, some of it's at least a little perplexing. A lot of you probably already know that Soros is huge supporter of legalizing drugs. Well, he's also apparently willing to put his money where his mouth is. In fact, he's given millions and millions to pro-legalization "charities". Youza, huh? And don't get me wrong here. I myself have long been a proponent of legalizing marijuana and, yes, possibly decriminalizing other substances. But, come on. Wouldn't have all that money been a little better served by going to, I don't know, say, Habitat for Humanity, Wounded Warriors, the American Cancer Society, Easter Seals, me? Alright, I was kidding about the last one but you know what I mean, right?............3) Oh, and did I mention that Mr. Soros also helped to fund the Andean Council on Coca Leaf producers? Just for the record, I'm saying.


  1. "the great legend, Mr. Reagan, put his nice little John Hancock on every one of them"

    Excellent point.

    As for Soros promoting substance abuse, I'm sure the dope fiends hold him dear in their hearts.

  2. Soros is considered a God by the left and the Koch brothers devils. Well, at least in terms of ACTUAL philanthropy, the Koch brothers win on that account.

  3. So you know ALL of Soro's charity donations? And the Koch Brothers' have harmed no one with their political string pulling to counter-balance their charity? I'm just saying a larger frame may be needed to view this issue.

  4. That's what I'm trying to do here, Dave; provide a larger frame. The left gives Soros a total pass. I mean, come on, we're talking about a guy here who destroys a country's currency (talk about predatory capitalism), off-shores all of his funds to avoid taxation, and invests heavily (as in over 100 million) in the the military industrial complex. If somebody on the right had a resume like this, the progressives would be taking him/her to task. But since it's Mr. Soros who largely bank-rolls them, too, total silence........Just for the record, I think that Koch and Soros BOTH have too much sway in our system.


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