Friday, January 14, 2011

Note to Quentin Tarantino

Dude, a piece of advice. The next time that you and Brad Pitt decide to make a movie together, don't go on tour with the fellow promoting it, alright? OR, if in fact you do have to, at the very least, don't be sitting right next to the guy, for Christ! For you're own God damned frigging sake, I'm saying.


  1. No responses to this one. If I was to guess I'd say it was because nobody knows what you're talking about or what your complaint is, exactly. At least I don't have a clue.

    Tarantino and Pitt appeared together to promote "Inglourious Basterds", and during one such appearance they sat next to each other? So what?

    I didn't see any of these promo tour appearances, so regarding your complaint... all I can say is... ??????????

  2. I was making a joke about Mr. Pitt being extremely handsome and Mr. Tarrantino, well, not.


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