Friday, January 14, 2011

Miscellaneous 52

1) Fox News has a number of irritating tendencies; a proclivity to ignore and/or undersell that which is inconvenient, probably the worst of them. The most recent example that I can site is the fact that nobody there seems to have an opinion (aka, effective spin) on Sarah Palin's use of the term, "blood libel". I mean, it's almost as if they didn't even hear Mrs. Palin say it. Of course, now we've got Sean Hannity interviewing her on Monday. That should solve the whole dilemma, right?......LOL!!!!!............2) One of the main theories why schools from the Pac 10 refuse to schedule Boise State in football is this fear that it will somehow help the Broncos coaches recruit California. Well, guess what, folks - the strategy - it ISN'T working!!! Yeah, that's right, as of now Boise already has four verbal commits for 2011 that are currently listed in the Rivals Top 100 for the state of California; linebacker - Blake Renaud, defensive tackle - Jeff Worthy, defensive end - Robert Ash, and, yes, me-buckos, the real plum, quarterback - Jimmy Laughrea (a possible heir apparent to Heisman finalist, Kellen Moore). And I'm fully expecting more to follow. Touche, I guess that you could say.............3) I suppose that I should make a few brief comments about Sarah Palin's recent eight minute video response. a) I DO think that Mrs. Palin had a right to be angry. There was/is no evidence that her cross-hairs imagery and/or (admittedly) inflammatory language had anything to do with this lunatic in Tuscon "going off". And, yes, I, too, would have been furious at Keith Olbermann and Paul Krugman for the implications (actually/maybe too week of a word) that they made. BUT b) the way that Mrs. Palin handled this whole thing I also found to be quite problematic. I mean, between the defensiveness, her failure to put the (real) victims front and center, her utilization of the term, "blood libel", etc., I just can't see how she at all helped herself. Not, mind you, that she ever had a good chance to be President anyway.............Addendum) I actually have to stand corrected here. On today's Fox media coverage show, they did in fact talk about Mrs. Palin's use of the term, blood libel (some of the panelists indeed taking a critical stance). So, while, yes, it did take a while, they ultimately did cover it.


  1. I'm gonna have my barf bag next to me Monday night while watching pink panties Hannity slobber all over that Palin person. Should be a popcorn and Dr Pepper night!!

  2. If she had any courage/integrity, she'd allow somebody like Anderson Cooper to interview her. He'd be both fair AND challenging.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Despite my earlier hopes that conservatives might actually nominate her the signs and omens suggest to me the public is getting tired of her. Too bad, the laughs she would have provided would have been awesome.

  5. Why is it that when Palin tries to explain/address ANYTHING, she falls flat on her face? We already had a president that had that same touch with the people and his initials were G.W.B.

  6. Here, folks, is what I think that Mrs. Palin should have done. 1) Focus more on the victims of the shooting. 2) Sound less defensive (expressing perhaps disappointment rather than outrage). 3) Make a commitment that she herself will tone down the rhetoric. 4) Stay away from terms such as, "blood libel". I think that if she had done those 4 things she actually might have elevated herself a tad.

  7. 5) In a jesture of good will, visit Giffords in the hospital with a most humble tone and demeanor.

  8. You mean, instead of hunkering down in self-pity and wallowing?

  9. the country is mad as hell, well some of us are, at Palin so I don't think any of those things could have elevated her. She really is a lameass wannabe who will never be anything but....

  10. I agree, Sue. Like I said before, the country DOES seem to have a threshold.


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