Friday, January 14, 2011

Let's NOT Play the Feud!!!!!

This, folks, is my suggestion. Instead of this relentless, "You're side is evil/No, YOU'RE side is evil", that we currently have, we focus in on each specific individual/that individual's actions? So, with Sarah Palin, for instance - yes, Mrs. Palin was stupid, shameless and divisive when she made that idiotic decision to put cross-hairs over certain districts. The same thing, yes, with a lot of that ballsy rhetoric of hers...................................................................................................You want some additional examples? How 'bout we go with Keith Olbermann? Yes, Mr. Olbermann was vicious, childish, and disgustingly over the top when he referred to Senator Brown as an, "irresponsible, homophobic, racist, reactionary, ex-nude model, tea-bagging supporter of violence against women and against politicians with whom he disagrees (the next night he doubled-down and added, sexist, to the diatribe)." Another one? Hm, let's see, how 'bout we go with Glenn Beck? Yes, Mr. Beck was being a complete and total/disrespecting douche when he referred to the President of the United States as a person with a, "deep-seated hatred for white people and/or the white culture" and a "racist"...................................................................................................Needless to say, I obviously could go on and on here; the Huffington Post allowing somebody to write an article entitled, "Obama Needs to Break Some Knee-Caps", Sean Hannity constantly referring to Mr. Obama as the "anointed one", etc.. But, clearly, I do think that you get the message.....................................................................................................P.S. My obvious point here is that it's far more productive to deal with our grievances specifically - this, as opposed to collectively. This, folks, let's face it, has been a very trying week for the country. And the fact that certain people (on both sides) are trying to conjure up political points over it, I personally find disturbing....So, no, not all tea partiers bring guns/pejorative signs to rallies (the vast majority of them actually do not). And, no, not all Muslims are terrorists, either, liberals are pinkos, etc.. Not even a little teeny bit.


  1. you really are a good guy Will, you actually calm me down and make me think about my over-reaction to certain wingnuttery.

    We're all just human beings looking for our place in the world, I think we all want to live a good and productive life, we all would like to see world peace....BUT DAMN those wingnuts just get under my skin!!! LOL! I can't help it, I need to rant every now and then!

    Thanks friend ;-)

  2. The voters DO seem to have a threshold, Sue. They rejected Angle, O'Donnell, Wilson, that crazy guy /douche-bag from New York (the idiot who ran for Governor - I can't even remember his name). Yeah, they did sneak Rand Paul past us but, hey, that was Kentucky!......Thanks for the visit, btw. I like you, too.

  3. I left you a comment at my place, I put you on my bloglist, shoulda happened long ago, sorry!

  4. Great idea, and let's not even call individuals names (like evil, douche-bag, or wingnut) and debate their ideas instead.

    Adding to the list that voters rejected: Alan Grayson.

  5. Thanks Sue. I appreciate it......Yes, Heathen R, I probably need to clean my own act up, too (welcome and thanks for stopping by).

  6. Sue said... I left you a comment at my place, I put you on my bloglist...

    Just because you comment on his blog doesn't mean he'll comment on yours. Although I have seen Will comment regularly on your blog Sue... I guess I'm an exception. :(


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