Friday, January 28, 2011

Canned or Candid?

I would love to get John Boehner and Eric Cantor on some truth serum and ask them these, the following questions: 1) "So, what do you two hammerheads REALLY think about Sarah Palin?" 2) "So, what do you two hammerheads REALLY think about Michele Bachman?" 3) "So, do you two hammerheads really and truly think that large tax-cuts pay for themselves (this, I'm saying, despite the fact that none other than Alan Greenspan has said that they DO NOT)?" 4) "So, do you two hammerheads really plan on significantly cutting spending....or, OR, is it all a bunch of vague bullshit that you've cynically put forward in order to get elected?" 5) "So, what do you two hammerheads really think about those 12 colleagues of yours who apparently STILL maintain that the President wasn't born in America?" 6) "So, what do you two hammerheads really and truly think about Beck and Limbaugh?" 7) "Are they (Beck and Limbaugh), in your opinion, nuts?"..................................................................................................Look, folks, I'm not necessarily trying to denigrate Congressman Boehner and Cantor. They actually seem like a couple of fundamentally decent guys. BUT, just like it's very often the case in politics (and, yes, it happens on the Democratic side, too), it seems like they've pretty much gotten sucked in/blinded by something completely different from light. And, no, I DON'T think that it's going to be bearing us fruit, either.


  1. Cantor ruined it for me when he mentioned something about "political repercussions" affecting a science agency if a report came out conflicting with conservative values.

    Only lightly scanned the report but it had a real Soviet ring to it.

    Also, the guy was freaking obnoxious bastard on the Daily Show.

  2. Anybody who has a dog in the fight when it comes to science is absolutely a schmuck.......And they also had to drag a condemnation out of him when the topic of that Nazi reenactor came up. Thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican, evidently.


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