Thursday, January 27, 2011

Miscellaneous 54

1) It appears that most Americans had a solid/favorable reaction to President Obama's State of the Union speech (most of the polls that I've seen show an 80-something to 90-something approval rating). Needless to say, Sarah Palin flat-out wasn't one of them. But not only did she use this occasion as yet another opportunity to lambaste Mr. Obama, she also did it in a manner that was a) wholly divisive (President Obama is bad for America, yada yada) and b) sublimely ignorant. Take, for example, Mr. Obama's Sputnik analogy. Not only did she not seem to appreciate it, she didn't even seem to get it. And, AND, she came out with this idiotic assertion that it was Sputnik (the costly price-tag, I'm assuming) that ultimately bankrupted the Soviet Union (this, and NOT the thousands of nuclear weapons). I mean, I know that Mrs. Palin doesn't like to listen to anybody and all, but, really, isn't it about time that she simply took David Frum's advice and just stopped jabbering for a while?............2) Tonight on his "show", Sean Hannity asked Juan Williams, "So, why hasn't Mr. Obama come out and condemned Congressman Cohen for all of that Nazi talk from last week (I'm paraphrasing here)?" It was actually a pretty fair question, I decided. I just wish that Mr. Williams had "turn about is fair play" asked Mr. Hannity, "So, why in the hell haven't John Boehner and Eric Cantor condemned those 12 or so Republican members of the House who continue to maintain that President Obama isn't an American-born citizen?" That, too, would have been a pretty fair question.............3) Wake Forest's 2011 recruiting class for football continues to frigging bleed. The latest defection (previous defections included wideout Curt Evans, cornerback Devin Gaulden, and defensive end Mike Rose) is Texas standout, Josh Hunt. And, get this, folks, Mr. Hunt isn't dissing the Deacs for Texas, Oklahoma, or any place like that. He's dissing them for North Texas (previously called North Texas State) - team that, drum-roll, please, plays in the frigging Sunbelt Conference! I mean, how damned frigging idiotic is that? Closer to home? - that's the only thing that I can think of.


  1. Hey I'm a liberal but I was disappointed with Obama for not outlining real cuts to the budget and daring the republicans to step up to the plate and do the same. Yeah Congressman Paul Ryan has a plan to balance the budget but from what I hear very few on his side are lining up with him.

    Neither party wants to own up and say everything must be cut and that taxes will have to be raised.
    That means defense and entitlements will have to be slashed along with ending the war in Afghanistan.

  2. I thought that the President put forth a fairly decent premise; spend less and prioritize better. But, like you say, he was a little squeamish (a la, the Republicans) on the details.

  3. The devil is always in the details and none in Washington want to slit the throats of any sacred cows.


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