Saturday, January 29, 2011

Miscellaneous 55

1) I love it (as in completely hate it) how Mr. O'Reilly always bitches and moans about "The View" not having a sufficient number of conservatives on it. Not, mind you, that this is necessarily an unfair observation (this, in that, yes, Elizabeth Hassellbeck does seem a trifle lonely there). Shows like that probably SHOULD have a much more balanced presentation. But, come on here. Mr. O'Reilly works for frigging Fox. When we the last time that you've ever seen a completely well balanced panel on THAT network? I mean, just that idiotic morning program alone; three conservative bobble-heads, an agenda that literally always puts the Democrats on the defensive, etc.. Hell, even on Brett Baier's mostly well-respected (by Fox's standards) evening show, "Special Report", the panel on that show is almost always two conservatives and one (usually mushy) liberal/two conservatives and one non-partisan (mostly respected) journalist. You never see O'Reilly bitch and moan about any of this stuff - at least not on the air you don't.............2) As for those "liberals" on Fox, I don't know, folks - to me, it almost looks as if they're taking a dive at times. Just yesterday, for instance, Hannity made this utterly simplistic statement about the Iraqis being "much better off now than they were under Saddam Hussein".....and, yeah, the liberal just frigging sat there, "duh!". I mean, I was literally yelling at the screen, for Christ, "Tell him about the four million refugees, the persecution of Christians, the strengthening of Iran's hand, the largely destroyed infrastructure, ANYTHING!! Don't just frigging sit there!".....Oh well, hopefully the woman got a nice little check for her appearance.............3) It appears here that Vice President Biden has opened up his yapper and inserted his foot into it again. This, folks, in that, yes, according to Mr. Biden, the beleaguered Egyptian President, Hosni Mubarak, ISN'T a dictator....ISN'T A DICTATOR!! I mean, come on, if Mrs. Palin or Mrs. Bachmann had something that idiotic (and, yes, they do - frequently), would not those two have been pilloried, laughed out of the God-damned room, etc.?. I'm telling you here, there DOES seem to be a double-standard at times.


  1. Yeah they are all one sided but they play to one sided audience. Open and frank discussions with honest debate went out with the Brady Bunch.

  2. Hmmmm, do those shows invite liberals on to give their point of view? When I have peeked in on Fox and Friends(UGH) or Hannity(double UGH) etc. the left view point is often cut off or rudely interrupted. I'm not recalling the shows on MSNBC doing that, but of course I am fiercely biased :-)

    I used to watch the view but now I can't stomach it. Elizabeth is so icky....

  3. Rusty my man, please don't refer to my boyfriend Ed as a fat ass.

    I have been a little perturbed that Eds show is more low key than usual. I need my daily dose of Ed to get fired up about the wingnuts and teabaggers, come on Eddie don't let us down!

  4. I think that you folks know how I feel about this. I don't think that they should give any of these partisans peeps their own show......Yes, when Hannity does have a liberal on, he's extremely rude and/or dismissive of him/her......Which I guess is better than Olbermann, though. He only had like-minded individuals on his show.

  5. That may be true about Keith, but not true about the others, Will. Plus sometimes it's not their fault because the righties are afraid to show their faces on MSNBC for fear they might just have to speak the truth! LOL

  6. Of all the MSNBC hosts, Sue, I still prefer Lawrence O'Donnell. He seems the least partisan/angry and the most reasonable.

  7. yikes Will! Larry can get very angry, I have witnessed it. He got so mad on morning Joe one day I thought he would have a stroke! I think Rachel is the most fair-minded.

  8. Actually, you're right. I have seen him angry in the past. But, on his show, I'm saying, he's consistently been under good control - so far!! LOL


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