Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Miscellaneous 44

1) Alright, now that I've criticized Mr. Obama, let me a minute or two to defend the guy, for Christ. a) This is probably the best deal that the fellow could have gotten these days. And b) even if in fact the President had played some "hardball" with Republicans, the time/political capitol involved, who knows, he probably would have also blown an opportunity for START and don't ask/don't tell, too. I mean, I know that guys like Schultz and Olbermann (yes, that love affair finally appears to be over) are pissed at him and all but, come on here. He, the President, has a different job from them - a much, MUCH, different job.............2) Gee, what a surprise. Sean Hannity was wrong about President Obama....Remember how he was constantly saying that Mr. Obama is a far different guy than Bill Clinton was when he was President, of how Mr. Obama was far too ideologically rigid to compromise, move to the center, etc.? I mean, I certainly do....There, now if we could only get an admission from the douchebag - NOT!!!............3) I really hope that Sarah Palin ate that moose that she killed. Because, if she didn't, and she only killed it to make some asinine political point on television, then that woman is flat-out despicable....I mean, come on here, people, just the frigging high-fiving alone, the fact that it apparently took a contingent....


  1. I disagree to a certain extent, Obama could have forced the issue before the election, or forced the republicans to come up with ways to pay for the tax cuts to the rich while his side found things to cut to pay for unemployment extension.

    Yeas, the deal he got was about the best he could have done but a little life and fight would have smoothed things over with the progressives.

    He's already damaged goods overseas and if the START treaty dies in congress that will just be one more nail in his coffin.

    I'll still vote for him in 2012 but I'm hearing and reading progressives calling this tax deal the opposite of First Bush's "Read my lips" pledge but the effect in 2012 will be the same.

  2. Will,you favorite republican Lindsey Graham hit the nail on the head this evening saying its now clear that Obamas lack of experience is showing.He went on to say Obama never did anything meaningfull during his time in the senate and prior to that never really accomplished anything.
    I'm in no way a Lindsey Graham fan but I think he got this one correct.

  3. You're right, double b. He clearly could have shown more of a spine/fight. I just don't think that that's his modus operandi, though......I don't necessarily disagree with Mr. Graham, either, Russ.


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