Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Note to President Obama

I have to tell you, Mr. President, it isn't just the "progressive" wing of your party that doesn't like this tax-cut compromise. Blue-dogs and deficit-hawks, like myself, don't particularly care for the "arrangement", either. I mean, yes, I do admire you for your willingness to compromise/work across the aisle but, please, Mr. President, this end-result is the exact mirror opposite of what it clearly should have been. The optimal compromise, IMHO, should have been to a) sunset the tax-cuts for wealthier Americans (the threshold also being the result of negotiation - somewhere between 250,000 and a million) and b) to "pay for" the unemployment compensation (possibly from unspent stimulus money and/or waste at the Pentagon). This way, Mr. President, we would have not blown yet another big hole in the deficit AND helped to maintain the recovery (this, via an extension of the middle-class tax-cuts). I mean, I know that the Republicans basically had you by the balls and probably wouldn't have agreed to such a proposal. But, really, couldn't you have at least proposed this sucker?


  1. He could have put up at least a little fight, yeah the tax cuts had to stay in some form but he should have told the repubs to come up with a way to pay for the rich keeping theirs and the dems should have come up with a way to pay for the unemployment benefit extension.

    I was worried about the deficit time bomb way back when Bush was doubling it during his years. And while Obama is just as guilty he at least inherited a huge recession from Bush. But both repubs and dems are equally guilty now with this new 900 billion loan from China.

  2. Hey Will,this is about the third time you've suggested paying for a federal program with something you call "unspent stimulus money." Is there a tree somewhere that grows hundred dollar bills that fall on the ground and are raked up as unspent free money? Thats all tax payer money.

    If you guys are so hell bent to pay more taxes you can do so when you file early next year,just check the little box and write a check for whatever makes you happy.But please dont ask me to pay more to fund all the lib freespending programs.I'd much rather spend my money how I see fit,not how Obie,Reid and Pelosi think I should.

  3. Mr.Shackleford. A little perspective if I may. I have been unemployed for over 2 months now through no choice of my own. I HATE it. I don't know if unemployment comp falls under your cute rubric, "lib freespending programs." I do know taht while our conservative friends debate what is wasteful spending, my world is about to collapse soon...I dont relish the possibility of losing my house. I say this only because to many media figures are suggesting that I am and others like me, are a "drain on the body politic." Try to appreciate my view that some argue that extending unemployment blows a hole in the budget all the while overlooking that these Bush tax cuts are add something like 700 billion to the deficit. I will end my comments by only adding that every bi-partisian report I've seen suggests the only way out of the budget mess is to rise taxes AND cut spending.( e.g. The Concord Colition.) Vilify President Obama, Pelosi and Reid if you must but if you think Mr Tan Man and McConnell represent the answer, IMO you are mistaken. Both Democrats AND Republicans do need a dose of truth...maybe Jack Nicholson was right. We can't handle the true. Thanks for listening.

  4. Sorry about the typos...meant, among other things 70 billion not 700.

  5. I was in no way talking about unemployment benefits.An example would be Obamacare and the failed stimulus package...just two places I'd rather not see my money going.

    And what tax cuts are you talking about...its just extending the present rates...thats all ...no cuts.

  6. Russ, your criticizing me for basically having the same position as Jim Bunning. You do realize that, right?.....And as for tax increases, I am only advocating an increase (back to the Clinton levels) for people making over $300-400,000 a year - and I'm asking that that money go directly to paying down the debt. I think that I'm being pretty darn conservative here.

  7. Welcome, Marcus, to "Contra O'Reilly" (OR, as I prefer to sometimes call it, "Ann Miller and Cyd Charisse (Circa 1953) Central").

  8. The friggin dems look like a bunch of morons.They've had a solid majority in both houses plus having the white house for two years and now in mid december eveything is at critical mass stage.The tax rates,DADT,Dream Act.Wonder why they just got their clocks cleaned on election day? It had nothing to do with turn out or corporate money...it has to do with them being a bunch of idiots.


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