Thursday, December 9, 2010

On Ashleigh Banfield Subbing Tonight for Joy Behar

Three words: MAKE...THIS...PERMANENT!


  1. How much televison do you watch? Hours and hours and hours and hours of news and sports programs every day, apparently.

    I think you'd be sorry if Joy Behar lost her show. Like Keith Olbermann, she appears to be one of those people you love to hate...

  2. Anybody who'd rather watch Joy Behar for 60 minutes than Ashleigh Banfield for even a fraction of that......Let's just say that I probably couldn't relate to that person, period.

  3. How do you explain your having seen the episode of THE VIEW where Bill-O blames all Muslims for 9-11?

    Does your preference for viewing only people whose looks meet your physical appearance standards apply just to women (thus you were able to stomach that particular episode because you tuned in to see Bill-O)?

  4. All things being equal, wd. All things being equal (and, plus, I am kind of joking around here - you know that, right?)......And as far as that Bill O'Reilly episode goes - it went totally viral, dude. You didn't actually have to see the episode.

  5. Well,lets see here...WD has no interest in sports of anykind...only watches MSNBC....thinks that a man who appreciates a good looking woman is a sexest...thinks that if a person is critical of Obie they are a racist.

    Could you imagine being stuck sitting next to WD on a five hours would either be get drunk or take about 3 Ambiens.

    I'd guess if WD's relatives see him/her pull up in front of their house....out go the lights and down go the blinds.

  6. I have an "out", Russ. Banfield's a hell of a lot smarter than Behar, too.

  7. I am not familiar with Ashleigh Banfield, so I don't know if she's "a hell of a lot smarter". I suspect this is just another slam against Joy Behar, as she obviously is smart enough that network execs decided she needed her own program IN ADDITION to co-hosting "The View".

    According to Wikipedia, Banfield "hosts Disorder in the Court, Open Court and Hollywood Heat on Tru TV". So there are THREE other programs where you can ogle her body (and her mind)... so WHY advocate throwing Joy Behar off a program that BEARS HER NAME?

    Ever since your post on the View/O'Reilly walk off scandal, it's been clear to me that sexism was an element in your attacks against Behar. Rusty made a fat joke about Goldberg and Behar, and your comeback was to quote the Carol King song, "I Feel the Earth Move"...

    Now you're attacking Joy Behar's looks again. And Rusty, as typical for a Conservative, is in complete denial regarding his sexism and racism. I do NOT think that a man who appreciates a good looking woman is a sexist or that an individual is critical of Barack Obama is a racist.

    I've been reading this blog for a while and I'm basing my conclusions on all your past comments.

    Rusty's scenario regarding my relatives is total bullshit. I've got some relatives who vote Republican, and I've tried to convince them not to… they still like me.

  8. Yeah, there are a lot of intellectual powerhouses on "The View" (Rosie O'Donnell - now THAT was a real Einstein! LOL). It was a joke, wd. Of course they're not going to make Ashleigh Banfield the new host of the Joy Behar Show. We obviously have different senses of humor.

  9. So the joke is "dump the dumb uggo for the hot genius"? And the suggestion ISN'T sexist because you're admiring Ashleigh's mind as well as her body? Hahahahahahaha... I think you're right about our senses of humor being different.

    I am surprised, however, that you'd have anything nice to say about Rosie O'Donnell. I believe, however, that if she actually had an Einstein-level intelligence she wouldn't have invested $10 million in that money-losing Boy George musical.

  10. Ms. Behar constantly makes crude jokes at other peoples expense.....and so, too, does David Letterman....and so, too, does Bill Maher. Funny, but I've never heard you make a self-righteous criticism of them.....I wasn't being nice about Rosie O'Donnell, btw. The woman's a flat-out jerk (yet another of those 9-11 truthers), IMO.


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