Friday, October 1, 2010

To the Top of the Pile, Please!

I've decided that I need to primp MY resume, too. These, folks, are my NEW educational credentials. I have a Bachelors from Amherst, a Masters from Penn, and a PhD from Carnegie Mellon. Yes, I could have had a Rhodes Scholarship, too, but decided that it would be better to work with inner city kids for a year instead.....So, what do you think? Yeah?.... Let's just call it my brand new story and, yes, me-buckos, I am sticking to it like glue (which I invented, by the way).


  1. Will,
    I think you need to draw a line somewhere. If you begin your resume with "In the beginning, I created the heavens and the earth...."

    then you might want to dial it back just a tad.

  2. One of these of these candidates....

  3. Come on will, give the girl a break.

    She is just trying to live up to the actions of a former Speaker of the House. You know the one ... he was screeching to high heavens about the blow jobs the Clenis was getting on the side, at the very same time asking his second wifey to lie about the blow jobs he was getting from his future third wifey.

    BTW the entire house republican power structure of 1997-98 knew of this and kept quiet because they had a plan to take down the Clenis.

    Little witchy-harey-krisna chrissy is just a tryin' to fit in with the rest of them.

  4. If you look up the word, hypocrite, in the dictionary, I'm pretty sure that you'll see a picture of Mr. Gingrich to more fully provide some context.


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