Friday, October 1, 2010

It's More Important to be....What?

How important is likability? I don't know. I guess that it all depends on who you're asking here. My suspicion is that it probably doesn't mean much at all to the bulk of these partisan radio and cable-news flunkies (Rush, Sean, Keith, Laura, etc.). I mean, come on, people, just the mere the fact that every other word from their mouths these days is an ad hominem/only people who lap it up large seemingly respect them.....................................................................................................Now, compare this, I ask you, to Daniel Patrick Moynihan. This, folks, was a fellow who literally everybody, not only liked but loved as well. And do you know WHY all of these people loved him? They loved him....BECAUSE HE WASN'T A DICK!! I mean, seriously here, this is not rocket science, folks.

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