Friday, October 1, 2010

High Praise

I think that we're all used to rock-folk-country-blues legend, Steve Earle, sharing with the folks his bold/controversial/unvarnished opinions/views. This, me-buckos, and, yet, rarely, if ever, do they cease to amaze/flabbergast (some of that shit about Lou Dobbs still has me cracking up). The latest quip of his that doubled me over came from one of his recent interview videos (I believe that it accompanies his Grammy-winning CD, "Washington Square Serenade"). In it, Mr. Earle referred to fellow icon, blues legend/pioneer, Robert Johnson, as "one lazy mother-fucker" (I guess because Mr. Johnson didn't want to pick cotton or something)." But, please, people, before you jump all over the guy, hear me out here. He meant it, folks, AS A COMPLIMENT. Whoa, huh? Musicians. LOL

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