Thursday, September 30, 2010

Lying About Your Opponent is Only Bad (Apparently) When Your Opponent Does it

It appears, folks, that Congressman Alan Grayson may in fact himself have committed a "Breitbart" (or, as other people prefer to call it, a "Hannity"). Yes, folks, I'm referring to that latest over-the-top ad of his against his current opponent, Daniel Webster (Taliban Dan, he refers to him as). In this particular ad, footage is shown in which Mr. Webster is apparently quoting the Bible verse which says that women should in fact "submit" to their husbands. And, yes, even worse than that, the footage seemingly reveals Mr. Webster of being a proponent of this type of sentiment. Yeah, well, guess what, folks. I've in fact seen the entire clip and Mr. Webster doesn't even remotely subscribe to the sentiment. Grayson and his campaign flunkies flagrantly spliced/diced the tape to flat-out make the fellow look bad. You know, kind of like what THEY; Breitbart, Hannity, Bozell, etc. do when THEY take out THEIR hatchets...................................................................................................And, no, folks, this is hardly the only slimy ad that's come from Mr. Grayson. His campaign has also run an ad in which they've basically called Mr. Webster a draft-dodger, a person who refused to serve his country, etc.. Yes, Mr. Webster DID receive four draft deferments. But as soon as his education was over, so, too, he DID report, and the only reason that he didn't serve was because he failed his physical (yes, basically the same career contingencies as Vice President Biden). Hardly a draft-dodger, in other words. Oh, and, yeah, just for the record, Congressman Grayson didn't serve in the military, either.................................................................................................P.S. My advice to the far-left folks out there would be to just flat-out distance themselves from this guy. I mean, come on, it's not like there aren't a bunch of good, decent liberals out there to replace him with; Russ Feingold and Ed Markey, just to name a few. Why waste such precious political capitol on such a douche/nut-job? It just isn't worth it, in my opinion.


  1. Not that I hold to this sentiment but it appears to be a law of nature that "nice" guys finish last. Someone cue up "Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns and Roses.

  2. I've felt this to be true since Paul Tsongas lost to Bill Clinton (who I've also ironically grown to respect since then) in 1992.

  3. Daniel Webster's still around? I remember him as being around during Revolutionary War times. Devil and Daniel Webster?
    Got to give him credit, 250 years old and still active in politics.

  4. I'm still waiting for Clay and (Thaddeus) Stevens to make a comeback. Calhoun - not nearly as much.

  5. one here finds Grayson a bit of a nimrod.

    I'm just guessing that if Dino Rossi,Marco Rubio or O'Donnell ran a similar AD the fecal matter would hit the fan.Just saying....thats all.

  6. Rusty, Grayson is more than a nimrod, he is an asshole. I thought the Guns and Roses reference would explain what I meant.

  7. Hey Will,your old buddy crawled out from under his rock over at LC.

  8. I saw that, Russ. And he immediately attacked me, too. Just like the old times. LOL

  9. Hey guys, didn't Axl Rose (of G & R) once date Stephanie Seymour?.....Now that's what I'M talking 'bout!!

  10. Will, yes that slimy shit dated Stephanie Seymour. While I liked a few of their songs I always felt Axel dating such a goddess meant God had a wild sense of humor.

    Of course money and fame overwhelm good sense up to a point, she married some neurosurgeon and popped out a couple of kids.

  11. Were you thinking of me when you posted this? If you recall, I defended Rep. Grayson when you said he was "a fellow who could really use an intervention". Seeing as Grayson has "pulled a Breitbart" -- and I attacked Breitbart in a recent post on my blog -- I assume you believe there is no way I can defend Grayson on this.

    Actually I WAS worried that I would be forced to repudiate Grayson for this "sliced and diced" video... that was until I investigated and uncovered the whole story. As it turns out the ad is accurate. That being the case, I stand by Mr. Grayson and pray he wins his bid for reelection. He isn't an "asshole", he is an honest and decent man who is fighting for his constituents. I wish I could vote for him.

    See my blog post on the matter for my explanation as to how I can continue to support Rep. Grayson in light of these serious charges. Note: the reason isn't because I'm a hypocrite.

  12. Like I said on your blog, Mr. Webster may indeed be a neanderthal. But it still doesn't excuse taking him out of context. That, my friend, was inexcusable.

  13. Webster said wives should submit to their husbands. Because it's in the Bible and their responsibility to do so. Watch and listen the the complete clip. He only says husbands shouldn't pray for their wives to submit, not that they shouldn't.

    Webster's church preaches that "a mother violates Scripture when she works outside the home", "the man provides servant leadership and the woman responds with reverent submission", "a foolish wife will take matters into her own hands", and "resistance or indifference to your husband's need for physical intimacy is the unspoken crushing of his spirit".

    I'd say Webster is a HUGE proponent of that type of sentiment.

    The Grayson ad does NOT take Mr. Webster "out of context". Perhaps the Taliban comparison is a bit over the top -- but so what? It's an imperfect analogy... I don't have a problem with the content of the commercial.


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