Friday, September 3, 2010

Respect FOR the Office? A Little Bit?

I have a guilty conscience about a great many items, folks. I'll be honest about it here; not being a good enough husband, not always being as conscientious about the environment as I could have been, etc.. But, yes, there is in fact one thing that I do feel pretty guilt-free about. I was critical but respectful to President Bush. And I've been critical but respectful to President Obama..........................................................................................I mean, sure, I was probably a little more pissed at Bush because of the war (4,400 dead, over a billion lost in expenditures) and all. But even with him, I'm saying - I tried to avoid the hyperbole and, yes, I even defended him against such hyperbole.....Now, as far as that idiot, Sarah Palin, goes.....I'm kidding!!!...........................................................................................Seriously, though, don't you folks think that it's significantly well past the time that we started putting this Nazi stuff away - and even the socialism label, too? Yes, President Obama has proven to be a fairly big government Democrat (some of his "accomplishments" have even made me leery). But he hasn't done anything that hasn't been tried before - stuff, folks, that even the Republicans have toyed with (Nixon and Romney with health insurance, for example). In my opinion here, the fellow's at least a notch or two to the right of Lenin.


  1. To be fair we all do go overboard in the name calling and it has long since passed into the stupid and even debilitating the political climate. I freely admit I labeled George Bush very harshly but realize now it accomplished nothing but bad feelings.

    But I was thrown back and even angry when Jimmy Carter was named by Right Wing News as one of the worst people in history which included serial killers, dictators, and traitors.

  2. Your a bit off base BB....the right along with most americans label Carter as on of,if not the "worst president" in history.No one has ever compared him to a killer,dictator or traitor.

    He was just a horrible president,plain and simple...that all.

    But,truth be know even in advanced age he still continues to make an ass out of himself.

  3. I agree that he was probably one of the worst Presidents in history. If, however, they said that he was one of the worst "people" in history, then, yeah, that absolutely would have been hyperbole.

  4. Sorry Rusty but here is the segment from Right Wing

    Conservative Bloggers Select The 25 Worst Figures In American History

    Out of all the gangsters, serial killers, mass murderers, incompetent & crooked politicians, spies, traitors, and ultra left-wing kooks in all of American history -- have you ever wondered who the worst of the worst was? Well, we here at RWN wondered about that, too, and that's why we decided to email more than a hundred bloggers to get their opinions. Representatives from the following 43 blogs responded...

    101 Dead Armadillos, Argghhhh!, Basil's Blog, Cold Fury, Conservative Compendium, The Dana Show, DANEgerus Weblog, Dodgeblogium, Cara Ellison, Exurban League, Fausta's Blog, Freeman Hunt, GraniteGrok, House of Eratosthenes, Infidels Are Cool, IMAO, Jordan Woodward, Moe Lane, Mean Ol' Meany, The Liberal Heretics, Midnight Blue, Pirate's Cove, Nice Deb, Pundit Boy, Professor Bainbridge, Pursuing, Liz Mair, Moonbattery, mountaineer musings, No Oil For Pacifists, No Runny Eggs, Right View from the Left Coast, Russ. Just Russ, Say Anything, Don Singleton, The TrogloPundit, The Underground Conservative, This Ain't Hell, The Virtuous Republic, Vox Popoli, WILLisms, Wintery knight, YidwithLid

    All bloggers were allowed to make anywhere from 1-20 selections. Rank was determined simply by the number of votes received. Also, it's worth keeping in mind that this is a fairly conservative group of bloggers and their selections reflected that. Also, I made a decision to combine the votes given to the Rosenbergs and Julius Rosenberg into one group since most people associate the two of them together. Some people may disagree with that decision, but I thought it was the best way to go.

    Well, that's enough about the rules -- without further ado, the worst figures in American history are as follows (with the number of votes following each selection)...

    23) Saul Alinsky (7)
    23) Bill Clinton (7)
    23) Hillary Clinton (7)
    19) Michael Moore (7)
    19) George Soros (8)
    19) Alger Hiss (8)
    19) Al Sharpton (8)
    13) Al Gore (9)
    13) Noam Chomsky (9)
    13) Richard Nixon (9)
    13) Jane Fonda (9)
    13) Harry Reid (9)
    13) Nancy Pelosi (9)
    11) John Wilkes Booth (10)
    11) Margaret Sanger (10)
    9) Aldrich Ames (11)
    9) Timothy McVeigh (11)
    7) Ted Kennedy (14)
    7) Lyndon Johnson (14)
    5) Benedict Arnold (17)
    5) Woodrow Wilson (17)
    4) The Rosenbergs (19)
    3) Franklin Delano Roosevelt (21)
    2) Barack Obama (23)
    1) Jimmy Carter (25)

    Yeah, Carter was a BAD president but he does not belong anywhere near Benedict Arnold, John Wilkes Booth, or the Rosenbergs.

    The website above is not coming up correctly and I had to go to the cached file to get this info.

  5. Sorry Will, Blogger or my computer had some sort of massive hiccup.

    Here is Googles' cache URL:

  6. They did put Nixon on it. LOL Seriously, though, I would tried to stick to people like Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan Sirhan, Son of Sam, McVeigh, Boothe, Arnold, John Wayne Gacy, that idiot who killed MLK (I'm embarrassingly drawing a blank on his name), Ted Bundy, Al Bundy (no, I actually like him), Jeffrey Dahmer, etc.. Politicians who try to do their best, but who are ineffectual in the process, I'd probably give 'em a free pass (on the worst persons ever list, I'm saying).

  7. Rusty if its any consolation I cringe and get sick to my stomach when wacko liberals say Bush was behind 9/11. And you can guess my feeling about him.

    Carter was totally unprepared and unable to perform the duties of president but his work out of office has in a lot of areas been excellent.

  8. yeah, especially when he's monitoring elections in third world countries and declaring the dictator won fair and square...

    or is it when he's dissing America from foreign soil?

    or maybe accepting meaningless awards with large cash prizes only offered as a backslap at America? Oh wait. I guess there's at least two people guilty of that...

    I will concede that his work has been excellent when he's driving nails for Habitat for Humanity and being silent.

    Other than that, he's just a bitter old socialist hippy.

  9. In my opinion Mr. Carter was an excellent president who presided over a difficult time in our history....

    (from Wikipedia): [President Carter] substantively reduced both unemployment and the deficit but had not able to completely eliminate the recession. Carter is credited by some with ending the double-digit inflation of the 1970s ... by early in the Reagan Administration, [Carter's economic policies tamed] inflation and lead to a long period of relative prosperity for US financial markets...........

    I respect the man, not the office. I had nothing but contempt for bush junior. He was a traitor and a war criminal and should presently be in prison or have been executed. And no, I don't try to avoid hyperbole. The guy was an a-hole and I hate his guts.

  10. Bush was behind 9/11. Synopsis of my post on the topic (titled "Best Friends George and Osama")...

    President George W. bush and al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden were not literally best friends. They did, however do things for each other that best friends might. George ignored so many warnings that something was afoot that he basically allowed 9/11 to happen. Osama took an unpopular president and made him a superstar, with near 100% approval. George dreamed of invading Iraq and toppling Saddam even before he became president. 9/11 made it possible. Truly this was a match made in hell.

  11. I agree that Bush #2 could have done more to possibly prevent 9/11. But what I think that double b is referring to are those who actually think that Bush was behind it. It is those people (9/11 truthers) who, along with the birthers, etc., are totally off the charts.


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