Friday, September 3, 2010

Any Enemy of Cable Lunacy is a....

One of my journalistic heroes is Baltimore Sun media analyst, David Zurawick. I personally find the fellow to be smart, concise, and, yes, for my money, easily one of (along with CNN's and the Washington Post's Howie Kurtz) the least partisan writers/talking-heads out there. But, I'm telling you, the real reason that I dig him is this. He is, as far as I can tell, the only person out there who's been on BOTH Keith Olbermann's worst person list AND Bill O'Reilly's pinheads and patriots segment (on the pinhead side", I'm saying). That, to me/more than anything, speaks volumes about the fellow.....................................................................................................P.S. He was also called a right-winger by Olbermann and a left-winger by O'Reilly. Just for the record (though, yeah, you had probably already figured that out already, huh?).

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