Saturday, September 4, 2010

Miscellaneous 22

1) In my opinion, Olbermann and O'Reilly have BOTH made jerks out of themselves over this whole mosque controversy. First it was Mr. Olbermann citing a spate of apparent anti-Muslim activities and using THAT as evidence (Mr. Olbermann evidently never having learned the limitations of anecdotal evidence during all of those storied years of his at Cornell) that the country was now entering a new era of anti-Islamic feelings. Not to be outdone, of course, by Olbermann, O'Reilly counters here by dragging out a 2 year old study that shows an extreme paucity of anti-Muslim sentiment in America (the problem obviously being that things could have possibly changed in the past several years). The exact opposite, in other words.....Wow. CAN YOU, people, see why I'm not exactly a big fan of these fellas'?......2) As a result of his support for the mosque near/at ground zero, Mayor Bloomberg's poll ratings took a 14 point swan-dive. How did Mr. Mayor respond to this? He didn't/stayed true to his convictions. Compare this, folks/I ask you, to the tap-dance that President Obama engaged in.....I'm telling you here, if in fact the Mayor does decide to run in '012 (for President, I' saying), AND he's polling in the low to mid 30s, I WILL take a good, strong look at him. I mean, what other way can I get their attention?


  1. I don't know, Russ, I'm thinking maybe a comb-over.

  2. As anyone posting on this blog knows ole Rusty is a conservative/libertarian that being said.After spending a couple months in Florida I'm now back west of the mountain's.While I was in Florida I spent two days at a campaign office manning a phone.Now,in the past I've given contributions to candidates but have never stood on a street corner waving a sign nor have I ever made calls for a needless to say I found this individual intriguing.

    Yes,I'm talking about the next senator from the state of Florida...Marco Rubio! I implore you, read about his background,his stance on issues...take a close look at him.Not only will he win the senate seat but I think in a few years he will be a national political figure.

    I know someone here is going to post that he's....god forbid...a tea party candidate.Not true...he's a grass roots candidate who just kicked the crap out of the sitting governor.

    Remember the name....Marco Rubio!!!

  3. Yes, I know major third party candidates have done nothing but play spoiler to the dems or repubs candidates but I am seriously hoping one emerges in 2012.

    I have no love for the possible republican candidates and Obama has excessively screwed the pooch and seems unable to do much beyond go on vacation.

    Bloomberg is intelligent and more importantly pragmatic and I would seriously consider him if he runs.

  4. As of now, Russ, I'm a Crist guy. Yeah, I know that he's probably an opportunist and all but I, like double b, appreciate pragmatism when I see it......To be fair to Mr. Rubio, though, he is NOT a Rand or an ANGLE. He's smart and, at least from what I can gather, doesn't embarrass the Republican party.

  5. In my opinion the sun revolves around the earth -- which is flat. I don't care if you have any contrary evidence... that will continue to be my opinion regardless of any so-called "facts" you may present. I'm not saying your facts are wrong, just that they won't change my opinion.

    It is also my opinion that Keith Olbermann IS today's Edward R. Murrow, even though he describes his "good night and good luck" sign-off as "presumptuous" and a "feeble tribute"

    In my opinion Mr. Olbermann is also an unbiased and completely objective journalist, despite the fact that he hosts a political OPINION program.

    In other words, I agree with you Will, we shouldn't let facts get in the way of our opinions. Don't let the truth about Mr. Olbermann get in the way of you continuing to mischaracterize his reporting..........

    I doubt Bloomberg will run for president. If you do take a good strong look at Bloomberg... whose attention do you think you'll get? The Democrats? Maybe.

    The DLC certainly is more interested in pandering to the so-called moderates and independents rather than to their Liberal base... to my great disappointment.

    BTW, Rudy noun,verb,9/11 Guliani has spoken out against the mosque.

  6. Olbermann should be happy he has a viewer like Dervish....I wonder where the other five are?

  7. A 2/2/2010 Huffington Post story reports "MSNBC president Phil Griffin said he is 'pleased with where we are' at 8PM".

    KO said, "The show isn't about to be canceled... It is making them a damned fortune, in fact".

    KO says "his ratings actually grew in January, citing month-to-month figures showing that Countdown grew 5% over December 2009 ... And yet the Right-wing believes that Countdown is about to be canceled, because it so desperately wants it to be canceled".

  8. The "truth" about Mr. Olbermann? That he's an "unbiased and completely objective journalist"? The guy plucked a couple of examples and tried to paint the entire country as anti-Muslim. At least O'Reilly (who I also criticized and that didn't seem to bother you) came out with some actual aggregates......Hey, can you at least agree with me that Mr. Bloomberg has taken a more consistent and principled position on the mosque than President Obama?

  9. KO "plucked a couple of examples" because that is what he had time to cover. There is much more than "anecdotal evidence" that anti-Islamic sentiments are on the rise.

    The article I linked to in my last comment says, "...there can be little doubt that Islamophobia is on the rise in America. A Washington Post poll ... found that [48% of Americans] have an unfavorable view of Islam. That's 9 points higher than in the months after 9/11. A Pew Research Center [poll] found that 30% of those who disapprove of President Obama believe he is Muslim. ...anti-Muslim [has] gone mainstream, with fringe groups like Stop Islamization of America ...receiving regular air time on mainstream media...".

    The majority of my previous post was meant to be taken sarcastically, including the portion you quoted. Countdown is a political opinion program... in case you were unaware.

    As to your final observation regarding Bloomberg, I say yes, although this is why I believe he isn't running for anything after he term-limits out as mayor. Obama backtracked on this initial statement for that reason (he wants a 2nd term as president).

  10. There's a difference between having an unfavorable view of something and engaging in bigoted behavior. The American people really don't seem to like Mormons much, either. But neither is an epidemic of hate crimes against them. Olbermann is literally drowning in his own bullshit here, once again

  11. Maybe if the American people didn't see all of those Muslims dancing in the street AFTER the towers went down, the numbers wouldn't have been quite so gaudy.


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