Friday, September 10, 2010

Miscellaneous 23

1) I was watching Hannity tonight and, who shows up but Sharron Angle (a continuation of her "I'm only going to friendly venues" strategy - obviously). I was actually going to watch it but when the first words out of Ms. Angle's yapper (even before Hannity was able to put forth his first question, mind you) were, "You're a great American patriot, Sean", I totally had to turn it.........................................................................................But, yes, folks, that is only half the story. When I flipped it on over to CNN/Larry King, guess who Mr. King was interviewing. He was interviewing Cal Tech physics professor/Stephen Hawking collaborator, Leonard Mlodinow. Talk about a major-league contrast, huh?......2) As a person who's been called a "Reich-winger" by certain bloggers on the left (Lydia Cornell's site) and a "Palin-hating liberal"/"member of the Obama police" by certain bloggers on the right (, I probably have been a little too reticent to fully address my true political leanings. I mean, yes, I know that I've stated here and elsewhere that I'm exceedingly liberal on social issues/civil liberties/military matters and significantly more moderate on the economy - stuff like that. But what in the hell does that really tell you, other than I'm a boring individual? Hows' about I put it in these terms for you? Yes, I do tend to vote Democrat (no, not always - this, in that I did vote for Weicker, Rell, and Bush #1) but rarely, if ever, am I purely enthusiastic about it. Does THAT, folks, put it into less boring terms for you? I sure as hell hope that it does.


  1. But what in the hell does that really tell you, other than I'm a boring individual?

    Will, we are in the same boat. I'm liberal on social issues and a full fledged tree hugger but far more hawkish on fiscal and international issues even though I think we need to be more strategic in our thinking sometimes rather than just start launching air strikes.

    Where I get in trouble with liberals is that deep down I'm a moderate and realize that very few times things are totally black and white. There are times when showing humanity gets you nothing but another attack and in those occasions you need to turn some shit hole into a sea of molten glass. On the other hand I understand that a drone attack killing a bunch of women and children tends to piss off the locals.

    What does this imperfect but well-meaning attempt at moderation get me? Scorn from both the right and the left. Screw it, I plan on leaving the country anyway. Fuck'em all if they can't a joke.

  2. And there are so many issues to get caught in the cross-fire over. The latest one for me is Islam; I'm way too critical of it, I'm way too easy on it......The drone attacks? Man oh man, I've frigging flip-flopped so many times on that issue. It seems like a good idea to kill the terrorists but, clearly, like you say, the collateral damage may in fact be harming us more. I like Mr. Obama. I like Mr. Gates. I just hope that they know what they're doing.


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