Friday, September 10, 2010

You're Not Funny - Not Even a Little

What would be my answer to the question, "So, if you could only say one thing to Rachel Maddow, what would that one thing be?"......Yes, I know, Red Skelton used to laugh at his jokes, too. But his jokes, folks, were actually funny. There's the distinction.


  1. I would say "Good for you, for not toeing the liberal 'Obama can do no wrong' line and instead tearing into his hypocritical Iraq speech".

    Only thing of hers I've ever seen, on Youtube. I'd rather eat bugs than watch the MSM.

  2. She's a nice enough woman. It's just that when I get such a constant avalanche of propaganda (some of which I actually agree with, btw) from only one side (Sean Hannity being the perfect example from the right), I literally start to shut down. I would much rather listen to somebody like E.J. Dionne.

  3. You know when talking with tea party co-workers I use her as an example of a liberal I don't listen to, when telling them they should turn off Beck and read books.

    I lied, actually I saw her on another YouTube going after Rand Paul.She was dogging him on his (IMO stupid) comment about the Civil Rights act, and she wouldn't drop it. Had she let him speak, she may have found they have a lot in common. So I understand your point completely.

  4. They probably DO have some stuff in common; the war(s), various civil liberties. But, yes, Mr. Paul clearly didn't think that issue through (I believe that he ultimately changed his view, but, by then, the damage was done).

  5. She kept asking the question because he refused to answer it. She said later that she hadn't intended to spend so much time on the issue.

    I've deduced from your post that you believe Rachel Maddow told an unfunny joke... and laughed at her own joke? How about cluing your readers in as to what the "joke" was???? Or do you believe I'm supposed to pull it from my eidetic memory?

    Who cares what Rand Paul has to say about anything anyway? He hasn't been elected and hopefully he won't be. The voters will send this hypocrite packing (hopefully). RM focused on the only thing I care about (as far as RP is concerned)... an issue that makes him look (incredibly) bad.

  6. Maddow is always laughing at her own witticisms. I myself yet to hear anything even remotely amusing yet.


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