Saturday, September 11, 2010

Let's Get Ready to....Pray?...Rumble?...Hope For the Best?

It hasn't happened yet (as far as I know). But trust me here, it will. Yeah, that's right, folks, one of these days, when one of those MMA fighters gets brutally knocked out, he (or even possibly she) isn't going to wake up from it. I mean, seriously here, have you ever gotten a load of some of those knockouts? The frigging guy gets knocked out....and before the referee can get in there to stop it, the victorious fighter (amped to the gills, evidently) lands upwards of 3-4 additional punches to the fallen "warrior's" head (yeah, that's right, while he's already unconscious and his head is pinned against an unforgiving ring floor). I can't believe that somebody hasn't died already............................................................................................But let's just say that nobody does die for a while. Does anybody in his right mind think that there isn't going to be a rash of dementia among these fighters down the road? I mean, even guys like the "Ice Man", Chuck Liddell - guys who generally won but who may in fact have stayed in "it" too long - even guys like THAT could have some trouble (Liddell, for instance, lost 5 of his last 6 fights - 4 of which were via the devastating knockout route). How are we going to react to that? I'm wondering.............................................................................................P.S. I am not in any way advocating that we abolish this sport. As far as I'm concerned, it's still a free country and, yeah, if a couple of people want to annihilate each other, hey, who in the hell am I to stop 'em? But, really here, folks, what in the hell does it say about those of us who watch it? I'm seriously wondering about that, too.


  1. Just another example of how we are a more violent country as compared to just a few decades ago.

    Complicating matters is a report I heard about saying not only are we are more violent society in general but that it takes more to grab and hold our attention. It got seriously deep stating stuff like when its not an action movie characters have to speak in short sentences or focus groups start giving the movie low scores.

    But like you said, it's a free country.

  2. And supposedly they cleaned this sport up. I guess that in the early years there weren't even any weight categories (400 pound guys were fighting 150 pound guys). You could even punch guys in the balls, I heard.

  3. The sad thing, I actually watch it from time to time (a break from Hannity and O'Reilly).

  4. I watch MMA from time to time too.

    At least in boxing when a guy's out the other fighter quits punching.

    Another thing, in boxing the winner by KO/TKO jumps around a bit but quickly goes over to check on his opponent and wishes him well. In MMA the victors climb the ropes and mug for the crowd, and just keep on doing it while the opponent is still unconscious and bleeding.

  5. There's this one fighter, Oso. The dude's name is Nate Marquardt. He's clearly one of the good ones. I saw him knockout this one guy and he refrained from additional punishment when he saw that the guy was "out". It was a classy move and the announcers commended him for it.

  6. They need to spend an afternoon with Mohammad Ali or other elderly boxers who took a few too many punches, and then they might realize what they are doing.

    But then again the promoters probably want all the "extra" punches for the "fans".

    This supposed "Christian" nation sure is extremely violent, wanna bet Jesus is really proud of that fact?

  7. I was actually hoping they'd make Rollerball a real sport.
    I know I'd pay to watch that.

    (the James Caan version)

  8. There were some big-time/boffo chicks in roller derby, Volt. That, and, yeah, you bet, Raquel Welch made a movie about it.

  9. This brutal and senseless "sport" should be abolished. But only because no one watches it. Nobody has any interest in it. Or, at least, I don't, and I don't understand why anyone else would.

  10. Dana White, the head of UFC, is currently worth in the hundreds of millions. People are definitely watching it......As for abolishing it because it offends our sensibilities - that, unfortunately, is a textbook soft fascism.

  11. Because dervish does'nt watch it or finds it offensive,being the liberal he is he naturaly feels he knows whats best for everyone ban it in order to protect the dumb americans that just dont know any better.

  12. The libertarian side of me agrees with you, Russ. I just have to wonder what it says about us (MYSELF INCLUDED), as a society, that we seem to be embracing it so.....Oh hell, I'm probably just over thinking it, huh? I'm good at that. LOL

  13. Liberal and Fascist = same thing, right? I suppose you're one of those why buys into the myth that Hitler was a socialist?

    This should be a "the free market has spoken" situation... nobody watches + nobody has any interest = no money to be made and they shut it down for that reason.

    Obviously this is not the case, much to my bewilderment. Both "Rusty" and Will don't understand/can't spot sarcasm... coincidence??

    IMO, however, boxing IS the dumbest "sport" there is.

    Boxer Leavander Johnson dies from injuries... Johnson's death, the sixth in the ring in Las Vegas since 1994, follows the July 2 death of Mexican boxer Martin Sanchez, who died a day after he was knocked out by Rustam Nugaev of Russia in a super lightweight fight in Las Vegas. Before Sanchez died, two other fighters suffered brain injuries but survived after fights this year in Las Vegas. (from USA Today 9/22/2005).

    Will you stopped yourself before you "over thought" it (i.e. had a rational thought).

  14. Show where I said that liberal and fascist are the same thing. I only said that the government starts dictating what we should and should not do, eat, etc. is a form of soft fascism - and clearly something that either party is capable of engaging in (Republicans with their oft-times wanting to get in to the bedroom).

  15. I'm a Liberal and you said my suggestion that boxing be abolished was "textbook soft fascism". Anyway, I wasn't actually suggesting that. Although I do believe everyone should voluntarily comply with my suggestion... since as a Liberal I DO know what is best for everybody.

  16. You ARE a liberal and it (the banning of something for our own good) IS (in my estimation) an example of soft fascism. But, like I said, conservatives who want to legislate their morality can also be guilty of it.


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