Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Little Less Grease, Please

There aren't a lot of ways in which you can a) save some money and b) help to save the environment, too. Here, me-buckos, is an incredibly easy one; simple - change the oil on your car less often. Yeah, you heard me right - LESS OFTEN...........................................................................................In fact, folks, a majority of the automotive experts say that you can actually go up to 5-10,000 miles between oil changes (with newer cars, especially - this, as opposed to the "recommended" 3,000 miles). I mean, sure, your mechanic/Jiffy Lube technician may end up resenting you (and hopefully the SOBs won't go on a fishing expedition in order to ratchet up your tally, etc.) but, still, think about it here - more money in your wallet....and less of that nasty stuff in the landfill. Sounds like a total win-win to me.


  1. My 2001 Pontiac had a light that went on when the computer had determine the oil needed changing, and I have followed that usually changed between about 72-7500 miles.

    My 2009 Hyundai maintenance schedule actually calls for 7500 miles between changes, which I follow also.

  2. For warranty reasons we get our cars serviced at the dealerships. They recycle all oil they replace in the cars they work on. But we change ours every 5000 miles.


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