Sunday, September 26, 2010

Denying the Sky

I'm telling you here, folks. These partisan radio and cable-news stooges - these people never, EVER, admit that they're wrong. Nor do they ever apologize, either. I mean, we all remember the O'Reilly classic, right - him having said that that young kidnapped kid had actually enjoyed being with his captor (in reality, he was being butt-fucked by him), him never admitting to saying it, never apologizing for it, etc.....................................................................................................Of course, folks, if it were only Mr. O'Reilly pulling these stunts, that, clearly, would be shitty enough. But it ISN'T just him. Keith Olbermann and Sean Hannity, for example - these individuals constantly make mistakes. And, yes, me-buckos, so, too, do the frigging women; Laura Ingraham, ESPECIALLY!! I mean, just the frigging nasty comments about Meghan McCain (she's a Barbie Doll, a plus-sized model, imitating her as if she were a damned flaming bimb, etc.) - comments that, TO THIS DAY, she still denies making (this, despite the fact that the tape of her saying them utterly convicts her)....................................................................................................Now, don't get me wrong here. There aren't a lot of us out there who DO like to admit it when we're wrong. But, damn it, when you've also got a radio and/or television show that's supposedly informing people, maybe you've got a little big more in terms of responsibility. Maybe, I'm saying.


  1. ...maybe you've got a little big more in terms of responsibility. Maybe, I'm saying.

    No, its all propaganda and of course I am including Olbermann.

  2. Will,
    I for one am perfectly willing to admit when Rusty is wrong! :)

  3. Just saying Mr. Olbermann makes mistakes and never corrects them doesn't make it true.

    Keith Olbermann on the 6/1/2010 broadcast of countdown: Firstly, enough with the false equivalency again between O'Reilly and this show. I have never knowingly reported anything false, and we correct our mistakes.

  4. Double b, all that Laura Ingraham really had to do was say, "yeah, that really was kind of a cheap shot (the admitting it part) and I apologize." But she didn't. Oy vay, huh?......Oso, what can I say? You and Rusty are the quintessential Felix and Oscar - which probably makes me Maury the cop......wd, Olbermann says a lot of untrue things and NEVER corrects them. He never apologized for calling Joe the Plumber (yes, he's a dickhead, but he doesn't deserve to be lied about) a "McCain plant". He never apologized to Major Garrett for saying that the reporter never reported an administration denial. He never apologized to David Zurawick for bogusly calling him a right-wing ideologue. Etc., etc..

  5. What a revolting development this has turned out to be.Pres Obie goes to campaign in Wisconsin and Senator Russ Feingold refuses to join him...WTF.

    And to top it off one of Feingolds staffers was quoted saying..."the Senator would reconsider if Obie would douse himself with Purell."

  6. This will probably get me into trouble with the right. But I actually kind of like Russ Feingold. I find him to be a man of courage and conviction and, while, no, I don't necessarily agree with him all the time, I do respect him as a straight shooter/problem solver. Wisconsin, folks, can do a lot worse than Russ Feingold.

  7. I think Russ Feingold's the second best politician in America next to Ron Paul. He's the only Dem had the courage to vote against the travesty of a financial reform package Obama is taking so much credit for.

  8. Wasn't he also the ONLY Senator with enough chutzpah to vote against The Patriot Act (99-1). That, to me, took a crap-load of courage. I'm telling you, if the Dems have to lose X number of Senators this year, I would greatly prefer that he NOT be one of them.

  9. Fast becoming the best governor in the country, New Jersey's Gov.Christie is asking teachers in grades K thru 5th take reading and math test.Ya gotta love this guy.

  10. Sorry for the bad news Will,but Feingold is 8 points down as of today.

  11. Russ, Christie (who I also kind of like) - is he pro-choice? BECAUSE, if he is, the Republicans will never, EVER, nominate him for President. He'll have to do a "Romney" and, clearly, we all know what doing a "Romney" can do to your candidacy.


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