Saturday, September 25, 2010

Miscellaneous 27

1) That character who "invented" Facebook (gee, how long had that one been staring us in the face?) - I just found out. That blankety blank is worth more than Steve Jobs. ONLY....IN....AMERICA!!......2) Keith Olbermann asked one of his carbon-copy colleagues this week, "So, what exactly should "we" (I'm not exactly sure who he was talking about here) "do" about Fox?" I'm serious, folks, that's exactly what he asked. And, yes, of course, I started thinking, too, OVERTIME, "What do you mean, what should we do about Fox? You either watch it or you don't watch it. You either praise it or you criticize it. It's not exactly rocket-science, Mr. Keith. I mean, come on here, you didn't mean that we (as in the government) should take it off the air, did you? My God, I certainly hope not. Because you also know what 'they' have to say about that, right; 'first they came for the....'".......3) I don't want to say that big-time college football is messed up or anything....but, yeah, me-buckos, it really kind of is. And, no, I'm not even talking about the dirtier elements of it; the bullshit agents, all of the frigging monetary bull-crap, the idiotic way that they decide the championship, etc.. No, folks, I'm talking about the much more elemental aspects. Take, for instance, the conferences. For almost 20 years, the Big Ten Conference has been playing, not with 10 teams but 11. And next year, after Nebraska joins them, there's going to be 12 of them. Contrast this with the actual Big 12. They, starting next year, after the defections of Nebraska and Colorado (they'll be playing in the Pac 10 - who, along with Utah, will be making that the Pac 12) will only have, HELLO, 10 teams. So, unless the names of these conferences change, the Big Ten will have 12 teams and the Big 12 will have 10 teams. Wow, huh? Hey, maybe we should just offer all of these conference and NCAA officials/school presidents a course in remedial math. Maybe that'll frigging help 'em.


  1. Hey Will,the guy who invented Facebook just donated 100 million dollars to the Newark system.Seems hes enamored by the way Gov.Cristie treats the teachers union.

  2. At least the Pac 8 became Pac 10. We may not do a lot right out here on the left coast but our conferences can count-at least up to ten.

  3. Hopefully, the money will be spent prudently, Russ. There's really nothing worse than pouring money down a rat-hole.......Oso, what do you think about Utah and Colorado joining the conference, making it the Pac 12? Utah, especially, has been awesome of late; first under Meyer and now under Whittingham.

  4. Pouring money down a rat mean like the stimulus program?

  5. Hey Oso,why wont anyone from the Pack 10 schedule Boise State?

  6. Russ, they just beat Oregon State the other night, 37-24. You are right, though, a lot of those other schools simply want nothing to do with them.

  7. You're absolutely right,Rusty.Other than Oregon and OSU no one from the pac 10 will schedule BSU.In some ways I see it as recruiting-related. Lot of blue chippers out here and schools maybe want to keep them close to home?
    I think it's a good idea to get some new blood into the PAC Will.Those guys are competitive and will only increase the excitement.


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