Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Channelling Al

"They say you should not drink alcohol when it's hot out.....Something I read.....For they say it dehydrates you. But I subscribe to the law of contrary public opinion. Everybody says one thing, I the other way." "Added to which you know they're wrong." "That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying!"......Al Pacino and Jonathan Pryce from "Glengarry Glen Ross" (the lounge scene between Mr.s Pacino and Pryce)


  1. I already do my very best to piss everyone off. Biblethumpers, including one of my brothers, hate me because I believe in evolution. Science types, like the chemistry professor husband married to my wife's best friend, think I am an idiot because I believe in God.

    I piss off both conservatives and liberals, who often irritate the living shit out of me just as much as the Marching Morons.

    So I'm doing pretty good on going the other way.

  2. Added to which you know they're wrong, right, double b?....Have you seen the movie?

  3. Great speech by Mr. Baldwin. "Second prize is a set of steak knives. Third prize is you're fired."


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