Wednesday, September 29, 2010

No Oxford/No Conscience

I could care less that Christine O'Donnell "dabbled in witchcraft". Compared to a lot of the shit that I used to dabble in, that, me-buckos, is a total amateur show. But, I do have to tell you here, a spate of those other quotes attributed to her DO concern me. For instance, this is a woman who thinks that a) evolution is a myth and b) evolution (as a concept) happens in real time ("Why aren't monkeys evolving now?", she wants to know). Do we really want this level of anti-intellectualism in the U.S. Senate?..................................................................................................And, yes, what about her morality, too? This, folks, is a woman who apparently thinks that, while it may be A.O.K. to lie on your resume (it's been shown that she significantly padded her educational credentials), it wouldn't be A.O.K. to lie to the Nazis to protect a young Anne Frank/her family. Do we really want THAT level of moral decay in a branch of government that's already far, FAR, gone in that regard? Me, I'm not entirely thinking so.


  1. In a more civil time a person like her would never be elected to city dog catcher much less stand a real chance to be a US senator.

    I actually think her crazy "rats with human brains" and witchcraft stuff does bear real consideration in her being elected. She may well sit in the United States senate where critical deciscions will be made concerning the direction the country takes for the 21st century.

    The senate is already screwed with a full assortment of idiots on both sides, while O'Donnell would certainly spice the situation up the United States is already way behind in meeting the challenges of the 21st century.

  2. Oh man, I forgot about the rats (or was it mice?) with human brains comment. That is obviously up there, also.....Hey, but at least she isn't a RINO, right?

  3. Hey come on now....if Patty Murray could serve three terms a monkey should be evolved enough to be elected.

  4. Correct me if I'm wrong here, Russ, but you seem to be questioning the intellectual capacity of Ms. Murray.

  5. What about the CREW allegations of embezzling and tax evasion? Apparently the woman is a thief.

  6. The Republicans may have overplayed their hand here. Yes, the Dems are in some difficult straights, but does the public hate the poor bastards enough to put caricatures like O'Donnell and Angle in office?....Election day is going to be very interesting, gentlemen.


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