Tuesday, September 28, 2010

And This to Mr. Hannity

Hannity, DUDE, are you EVER gonna' take a powder on Jeremiah Wright? I mean, come on! Yes, the guy is divisive and, yes, Mr. Obama probably should have never gone to his church. But 1) do you really think that Mr. Obama subscribes to the reverend's beliefs (I personally think that Obama went there strictly for political purposes; an attempt to connect to the black community in Chicago, etc.)? And 2) what about all of those knuckle-headed preachers on YOUR side of the divide? Have not those individuals been pretty damned frigging divisive, too?....And, yes, while we're at it here, what about you and your......OH, NEVER MIND!


  1. Both sides are guilty of beating very dead horses to scare their base or piss off the other side to make themselves look good for their base. It's an example of lowest common dominator politics and even worse, low IQ's.

    It's why honest debate and frank discussion of problems are next to impossible. It’s funny really, Britain's last election didn't produce a real winner but the coalition that has formed actually appears to be working. I'd like to see our guys and gals attempt something similar but I'm not holding my breath.

  2. The only time that I ever even think about Jeremiah Wright is when somebody like Sean Hannity brings it up. And as for this whole coalition thing, count me as not holding my breath, either.


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