Tuesday, June 8, 2010

One Goes Home, They All Go Home

So Helen Thomas wants all the Israelis of European extraction to go back to Europe; Poland, Germany, etc.? O.K., fine. I'll take that bait. The only thing I ask is that we do this repatriation thing fairly. If, I'm saying, all the Israeli's of European extraction have to go back to Europe, then, yes, it would only be fair for the following to also occur. 1) All the Palestinian Muslims of Syrian extraction would have to go back to Syria. 2) All the Palestinian Muslims of Transjordanian extraction would have to go back to Jordan. 3) All the Palestinian Muslims of Egyptian extraction would have to go back to Egypt. 4) All the Palestinian Muslims of Iraqi extraction would have to go back to Iraq. 5) All the Palestinian Muslims of Persian extraction would have to go back to Iran. 6) All the Palestinian Muslims of Turkish extraction would have to go back to Turkey. 7) All Palestinian Muslims of Algerian extraction would have to go back to Algeria. 8) All the Palestinian Muslims of Moroccan extraction would have to go back to Morocco. 9) All the Palestinian Muslims originally from Tripoli would have to return to Lybia. 10) All the Palestinian Muslims of Tunisian extraction would have to go back to Tunisia. 11) All the Palestinian Muslims of Albanian extraction would have to go back to Albania. 12) All the Palestinian Muslims of Soviet extraction would have to go back to Russia, Ukraine, etc.. 13) All the Palestinian Muslims of Greek extraction would have to go back to Greece. 14) All the Palestinian Muslims originally from Cyprus would have to return to Cyprus. 15) All the Palestinian Muslims originally from the Indian Continent would have to return to India, Pakistan, etc.. 16) All the Palestinian Muslims from Central Asiatic territories, Far Eastern Asia, and other African territories would have to return to those countries. 17) Etc....................................................................................................................Of course, there are hundreds of thousands of Israeli Jews whose ancestors came from those countries, too. And they, no doubt, would have to go back as well. I mean, sure, they'll probably be persecuted and killed by the Arab population of those countries but, hey, it's all for a frigging just cause, right?


  1. Good points, and what about the U.S.'s original boundaries?

  2. I would be pretty much good with the 1948-1967 boundaries (a few alterations here and there but, yeah). Maybe have the Golan Heights demilitarized......Call me naive, Pink, but I think that a peaceful Palestinian state working/trading with Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, Italy, Greece (O.K., maybe not so much Greece LOL) would have an excellent chance to prosper. I would certainly be rooting for it.

  3. Will, Helen Thomas is an old woman whose should have retired years ago. I hate to be indelicate but I question her mental sharpness right now.

    It is clearly impossible for most if not all ethnic groups to return to their homelands. Unless there is some form of population collapse, and then after that it will all be beside the point.

    This is where I would usually write something about how this is less a Israel/Palestine problem and more a basic need for everyone to respect the rights of others. But I realize that would be far too "Utopian" and silly sense humans are just gloried animals who enjoy the kill-or-be-killed cycle that we have lived under for millions of years.

    Of course the difference now is that we are playing with nukes and eventually genetically modified virtues which at best will reduce our numbers to the point ethnic groups could return to their beloved homelands.

  4. I share your ideals, double b. Unfortunately, I also share your pessimism. Perhaps the only real question left here is who in the hell will blow first; India, Pakistan, Iran, Israel.....or US!

  5. One slight quibble Willy;

    2) All the Palestinian Muslims of Transjordanian extraction would have to go back to Jordan.

    Transjordan is what used to be the present day Israel and Jordan. Yes even including the piecemeal scraps of the West Bank Israel still allows the Palestinians to exist in. So in effect they are home historically .... even if you refuse to admit it.

    Or be totally honest about it.

  6. Transjordan was the part of Palestine that was give to the Hashemite Kingdom. It did not include present day Israel.....A certain part of the population of then Transjordan (now Jordan) in-migrated to western Palestine for the employment that the Jewish presence created there.


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