Monday, June 7, 2010

Miscellaneous 11

1) The Turks, folks, have slaughtered and displaced far more (thousands fold, probably) individuals (Greeks, Kurds, Armenians, etc.) than the Jews of Israel ever have. So, no, I really don't give a hamsters ass what these ass-holes have to say......2) As to whether or not Israel should face criticism over this flotilla tragedy, like I said in a previous thread, I'm open/persuadable. But, please, PLEASE, can we at least utilize a consistent measuring stick here? Like, I don't know, maybe show the semblance of a pulse when the North Koreans torpedo a South Korean vessel, the Iranians violently suppress pro-democracy protesters, China takes its daily crap on the people of Tibet, etc., etc.. I'M JUST FRIGGING ASKING......3) I think that I've also mentioned how I don't particularly care for Netanyahu, the fact that I don't necessarily think that HE wants a just solution, etc.. But, I also have to say here, folks, that I kind of DO understand why Israel will from time to time elect a guy like this. I mean, think about it. Every time that an Israeli "dove" tries to make peace with the Palestinians, the frigging individual gets shat upon. The terrorists go crazy and the Israelis compensate by reelecting a hard-liner. Over and over again this stuff happens and, yeah, I kind of wish that it all would stop.


  1. Would you buy a steak that looks like this? If you were served it would you eat it?

  2. My initial, visceral response, Vig, would be to say that a people who backed the likes of the Kaiser, Adolph Hitler, Saddam Hussein, and Osama bin Laden and who supported the Tianamen Square butchery (did you ever read Mr. Arafat's commendation of that event?) are pretty much lucky to get anything. But, as to the "meat" of the question, 1) I have already said that I oppose further settlement activity and 2) during previous peace settlements, Israel has shown an incredible willingness to dismantle settlements in exchange for peace and security. The problem here is that Hamas now and Arafat before clearly don't/didn't want peace.

  3. I would never argue that Palestinian people have been well led, Will. They have had generations of non-pragmatic, non-reality based leaders. But they are done, now. Done in. By their own missleadership.

    And you will make an argument that people deserve the leaders they get/have. I will not join you in discussing that because it is too personal and too painful. ...Too close to home.

  4. I wish I had the answer, Vig. I don't (though, yes, I fully supported the Clinton/Barak plan of 2000). In the mean time, the more belligerant Israel (Likud, I'm saying) gets, the stronger Hamas gets....and vice versa. To say that I'm pessimistic would be a huge understatement


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