Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Miscellaneous 12

1) There are 120,000 Jews of Ethiopian descent currently residing in Israel. There'd probably be a lot more if it wasn't for the whole-sale slaughter of Ethiopian Jews (circa, the 17th century) by the Portuguese-backed rebels within Ethiopia. And, yes, folks, it would be nice if the haters of Israel would occasionally juxtapose one of THEIR FACES (not to mention the hundreds and hundreds of thousands of descendants of Jews from Arab countries) next to that Arab/Muslim face (the darkest Arab face that they could find, I'm thinking)......2) The old Chris Matthews is back, folks. And, yes, the fellow's as unpredictable and nonpartisan as ever. I mean, clearly, he still likes Mr. Obama and all but it is far, FAR, from unconditional. Just in the last six months or so, he's criticized Obama on the stimulus, his Afghan policy, and, yes, currently his handling of the BP oil disaster. And just last night, in his "Let Me Finish" segment, he talked about the dangers of one party rule/blind obedience to the "blue plate special" (a Matthewsism for the two main party's platforms)....I Mean, I don't know about the rest of you but, to me, this is all extremely refreshing......Gee, I wonder if Media matters has taken notice. Methinks that they probably have. LOL......3) I can't believe it. Blanche Lincoln actually stared down the unions ....AND WON. There, now if we could only get the Republicans to stare down one of their powerful pressure groups and win. LOL X10 Wake me if it ever happens, O.K.?.....4) How dumb can the Republicans get? I mean, just take a look at this whole Nevada scenario. They're going up against this borderline punch-drunk incumbant by the name of Harry Reid. The frigging guy is as vulnerable as they get. So, what do these Republicans do? Yeah, that's right, they nominate the one/only person that Reid could possibly defeat. It's like, what, do they really NOT want to take back the House and Senate? That's what it basically looks like to me, folks.


  1. I hate to say it because it paints me in the conspiracy corner but I have questions about how both parties seem to engineer things for each other sometimes, like wacko opponents for powerful senators.

  2. The Reid people must be partying their asses off...... Seriously, though, where do the Republicans even find these people? From what I can gather, even most people in Nevada had never heard of this Angle gal. And, yes, now she's running for the U.S. Senate. Only in America, double b. Only in America.

  3. I guess you guys hav'nt seen Alvin Greene the dem senate candidate from S.C..

  4. I have, Russ. And, yes, he seems to be a total idiot.


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