Sunday, June 6, 2010


Do you really want to know how loathsome a human being Mr. Olbermann's become? I'll tell you exactly how loathsome. This son of a bitch (prompted by his thin skin, apparently) actually had the chutzpah/balls to put Campbell Brown on his "Worst Persons" list. His reason? Well, folks, apparently Ms. Brown had the temerity to criticize the cable news networks for their increasingly more and more partisan presentations AND NOT EXCLUDE HIM (she told the total truth, in other words)! Seriously, you should have seen it (The Keithster's reaction, I'm saying). Talk about a thin-skinned son of a bitch overreacting to something...................................................................................................And the thing here also is, he's doing this little tap dance on the lady while she's down (right after she resigned from her show for bad ratings) - piling on, so to speak. Wow, huh? Talk about a frigging major lack of integrity here. And this guy can't even carry the lady's pencil, for Christ!


  1. Yeah, some regular on MSNBC, Donny Deutsch,included Olbermann in his list of wackos and Keith is reported to have freaked. Word is spreading that he has passed the "diva" stage and moved on to unrepentant bitch.

  2. He really bristles at being compared to Limbaugh, especially. And, no, I can't really blame him on that one (I certainly wouldn't want to be compared to Rush). But the thing is, double b, if I were in Olbermann's postion, I would, you know, try very hard....NOT TO BE LIKE MR. LIMBAUGH!!! I wouldn't be as partisan. I wouldn't be as mean-spirited. I certainly wouldn't be as paranoid (though, no, it's possible he has no control over that aspect). I certainly wouldn't imitate him (Limbaugh, I'm saying).....And the thing is, double b, I don't even think that Campbell Brown used Olbermann's name (unlike Mr. Deutsch, who did). She simply didn't exonerate him. Pretty scary, huh?

  3. Now I realize that Colbert uses Olbermann to critique as well! Ugh! He's not helping.


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