Saturday, June 5, 2010

A Loss of Concentration/Perspective

It's gotten to the point where I'm literally sickened by the stuff that some people "compose". There's this one dude, for example - he actually said that modern day Gaza is a "concentration camp". A CONCENTRATION CAMP!! It's like, what, WHAT - I keep asking myself here. Do these people simply not know what a concentration camp IS? Do they not, for example, know that it's a place in which people are forced to engage in slave-labor (this, until their entire life-force is virtually spent), are brutally tortured/murdered (gassed, roasted, etc.), etc.? I mean, seriously here!. ........................................................................................................And, beside the point, if frigging Gaza is anything.....AT ALL, it's a terrorist cesspool. That, and, yes, me-buckos, a whole lot of frigging misery, too - SELF imposed (this, in that, instead of smuggling in missile shit, Hamas should be importing computers, copying machines, etc. - you know, stuff that can actually HELP their people)!! Frigging douche-bags.


  1. I've taken some comfort from seeing most of the left leaning bloggers I visit being on Israel's side on this Will.

    But as I have always said, the right are the soft on terror pansies.

  2. Reasonable minds can differ on the Middle East, Truth. I'm just having a little trouble with the rhetoric from time to time. That, and, yes, the fact that Israel always (in certain quarters anyway) seems to get the lion's share of the blame.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Sorry man, must have double-clicked. Zionists may have seized my computer.

  5. Oso,why dont you move there and lend your help to the Arab causes....and of course wear your underware on your head.

  6. Defend themselves from what? Israel wants NOTHING to do with Gaza. They'd be happy enough to build a 30 foot wall and never have to look at those thugs ever again. It's the wretched baby-killing Hamas that continued with the violence and Isarel, just like any other country on the planet, has tried to stop it......Those homes that were bulldozed were the homes that harbored terrorists. I personally wouldn't have advocated destroying them. But I ain't gonna go around shedding a tear about it, either.

  7. These leftwing anti-Semite's never cease to amaze me Will.

    I believe Oso is Mexican.His people should take a lesson from Isreal,maybe they would'nt be fleeing but rather stay and try to make their country a success.

    Sixty years ago whats now Isreal was desert.The founders and citizens thru sheer will created a vibrant democracy all the while having neighbors trying time and time again to kill them.

    Oso,his ilk and his people might be better served showing the courage of the Isreali's.

  8. Oso's a good guy, Russ. I do think, however, that he probably reads a lot of Noam Chomsky and Norm Finkelstein, listens to Al Jazeera, and accepts at face-value Palestinian press releases......And the thing is, I can't possibly see what the hell Israel has to gain by continuing this conflict. Hamas, they, on the other hand.....Hey, Russ, I know that you're probably not a big fan of Bill Clinton. But, seriously, don't you think that he did a magnificent job in brokering that peace accord back in 2,000? I'll never forget that look on his face at the end of it all. I swear to God, bro, if he had had a gun in his hands at the time, Mr. Arafat would have been bleeding profusely!

  9. Peace? What peace?

    You cant have peace with people who've avowed to wipe you off the face of the earth.

    I just dont understand the lefts attraction to palestine.All the Jews are trying to do is protect what they've built and protect their citizens.

    As for your endorsement of Oso,its obvious he's an anti-Semite racist and while being just that I'm sure his one of thoses calling the new AZ law racist.He's a coward plain and simple.

  10. You're certainly right about Hamas, Russ. Not a lot of peaceniks in that crowd - that's for sure......As for Mr. Oso, I really don't think that he's an anti-Semite. His problem is more with Israel in general. And while I do disagree with him, I prefer to keep the discussion respectful. Call it my new post-LC crowd mindset/mentality.


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