Saturday, May 8, 2010

Upwind, Please

I'm telling you, folks. If the Bush family.....or the McCain family.....or even the Reagan family, had ever strongly advocated for something and then, when it negatively impacted them/their various interests, said, "No, I don't think so, not in this instance", liberal voices in the media (Olbermann, especially) would have annihilated them. And, yes, they clearly would have been justified. BUT, when it's the Kennedy family, constantly advocating for clean/renewable forms of energy, only to balk when that source of energy (in this case, the Cape Cod wind farm) is proposed in THEIR backyard, engages in such hypocrisy, you hear nothing but crickets. I mean, I know that Palin's an idiot and all but, come on, wall to wall coverage on THAT (yes, folks, I'm talking about Olbermann again) and nothing on this - that's a little bit askew if you ask me....................................................................................................P.S. Yes, folks, even Teddy Kennedy (who, yes, I'll admit it, I still have a fair amount of affection for) was against the Cape Cod wind farm project (this, while the Democratic governor, Deval Patrick, supported it). I guess it just goes to show that we all have the capacity to say it, "Not in my backyard you don't."


  1. You know its been nine months since Teddy Kennedy has had a drink....thats the longest he's gone since he was 13 years old.Its now even safe on the Cape Cod roadways.

  2. I know that you don't like Teddy, Russ. And, while, no, he wasn't exactly my favorite Kennedy, either, I do have to give him some credit on one thing; the guy did a great job of working across the aisle. In fact, I think that most of his major pieces of legislation had a Republican co-sponsor. That is pretty darn impressive these days.

  3. ...constantly advocating for clean/renewable forms of energy, only to balk when that source of energy (in this case, the Cape Cod wind farm) is proposed in THEIR backyard, engages in such hypocrisy, you hear nothing but crickets.

    All I can say is that I agree and that even the crickets are laughing their asses off on this one. Just give the shits a choice, a nice bright and shiny nuclear reactor (which I'm cool with) or a off shore wind farm that is so far away to anyone on the beach looking out it will look like inch-high bumps on the horizon.

  4. I'd like to think that JFK and RFK would have supported it. Those guys, double b, were big time leaders in my book.

  5. Just like a right winger there Rusty. You guys even disrespect the dead. Please do stay on the Google side of the blogging fence. Thanks. Good post Will. I enjoyed it.

  6. For the last time Mikey....either take down that picture of your wife or update it.She's looking a bit ragged.

    An amazing fact....scotch sales in Cape Cod have dropped 6% since last Aug....coincidence,maybe not.

  7. Ted Kennedy was clearly a flawed man, Russ. I don't think that there's any question at all about that. But, the thing is, he did get better. He became a better man. And short of him/us becoming perfect, that's really about the best that any of us can do.


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