Thursday, May 6, 2010

Hypocrisy Spill

I haven't picked on Hannity for a while. I probably should do so, huh? How 'bout we start with his wretched performance from last week? I cite, specifically, the way that he started (right out of the frigging gate, mind you) hammering President Obama over that nasty BP oil spill. Not only, folks, did he criticize the President's response to the crisis (I guess that he actually wanted Obama himself to plug the leak or something), he used the catastrophe as an excuse to start picking apart the President's overall energy policy. And then, THEN (yep, this is the kick-ass part), Hannity had the audacity to say that certain people are actually trying to exploit this tragedy for political gain. I shit you not, folks. Talk about the pot calling.....


  1. I guess if we are patient enough, the cat always comes out of the bag, and we see the true person inside...

  2. Yeah, the right wingers having a melt down comparing this to Katrina have lost it on this one.

    Obama got hammered for not allowing even more offshore territory to be drilled and now is being blamed for not piloting the subs and capping the well single handed.

    Whats funny, at least to me, fat ass Limbaugh said on his show that this massive oil spill was no big deal, that the ocean would take care of it all by itself. But soem right wingers who usually don't give a flying damn about clean water or the marine environment, as long as they have their bottled type and frozen fish sticks, are all of a sudden freaking over the spill.

    Come on either be total self-absorbed greedy idiots or certified hypocrites.

    Will you know me, I try to me fair but this takes the cake.

  3. I think that this catastrophe has made us all re-examine things a little. Or at least it should have......As for guys like Hannity and Limbaugh, Obama could have single-handedly plugged the leak and they still would have taken a leak (sorry) on him. Perspective, gentlemen, isn't even remotely a part of their make-up.


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