Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Pinhead(s) Cometh

One of the things about O'Reilly that really irks me is that he's constantly conflating MSNBC (the cable news network) with the NBC nightly news broadcast. Yes, I agree with him that the former has indeed become radicalized - especially in its prime-time broadcasts. But to say that the broadcast network's news telecast (ditto, its "Meet the Press" broadcast on Sundays) is equivalent to that of the cable preposterous. Now, this isn't to say that Brian Williams and company are perfect over there. But, please..............................................................................................And we know what all of this is about, right? Yep, you got it. It's Olbermann/Olbermann's constant ranting directed toward Mr. O'Reilly, the fact that O'Reilly doesn't have the cohonas to take on Olbermann directly, the fact that he evidently feels the need to shoot his buckshot at Olbermann's employer, co-workers (the next best thing, I'm gathering), etc.. I mean, I know that it would probably be a bad strategy, ratings-wise, to so publicize Mr. Olbermann (his MSNBC time slot competitor). But, seriously, the more that I think about it - it's got to be better than trashing folks like Andrea Mitchell and David Gregory. That, my friends, is totally bush-league.


  1. Don't get me wrong when I write this because even broken clocks are right twice daily but I do have some regard for both O'Reilly and Olbermann. Both guys can at times point out issues that the other's political leanings make them blind to but overall you are right about them.

    If both don't watch out I figure they will eventually say something that will get them fired. It happened to a guy in Charleston who in the early 90's had an afternoon call-in show on television and got the big head and one day called Michael Jordan the "N" word. He was fired before his show was off that day.

  2. I swear, double b, when Mr. Olbermann first went on the air, I was a huge fan of his. HE was against the war. I was against the war. HE had issues with Fox. I had issues with Fox. But (and, no, I don't know exactly when it happened), when he started morphing into the same type of mean-spirited partisan that he himself had been criticizing, he totally lost me......As for Mr. O'Reilly, he's actually gotten a little bit better. Still a dick on occasion, though, and, yeah, I do try and call him on it.

  3. One day O'Reilly will make KO's head explode.He has triple the viewers and notice he will never mention Olbermann by name,its like KO is an after thought.Of course KO would love nothing more then a fight with O'Reilly but it looks like Bill's a little to smart for that....why hand ratings to him.

  4. Olbermann had better hope that MSNBC never changes his time slot. I'm telling you, Rusty, if in fact they do do that, O'Reilly will more than likely do a total Hiroshima on him. Ain't gonna be pretty.

  5. At least O'Reilly does have opposing points of view on his show and quite often I might add.When,if ever has KO had anyone on who disagree's with him? I mean do ya think his few viewers get tired of seeing Fineman and Robinson everyday? Talk about sheeple.KO cried like a little girl to MSNBC when that Donny Douche guy lumped KO in with Hannity and Rush.

    And now MSNBC has Chris (tingle down his leg)Matthews trying to pick a fight with Rush.I used to like Matthews but I guess to hold on to his job he's got to follow orders also.

    Whats comical Olbermann touts his show as the highest rated non-fox cable news show.Thats like the Phillies calling themselves the best non-Yankee baseball team.

  6. I heard today that because she credited CNN with high ratings during the oil spill MSNBC has banned Ariana Huffington from appearing on the network....kind of thin skined.

    I really cant stand to listen to Ariana....but I did enjoy her on Green Acres.

  7. Russ, if I ever had to choose between Hannity, Beck, Olbermann, Maddow, and O'Reilly, I hate to say it, but I'd probably have to pick O'Reilly. Like you say, at least he has opposing viewpoints and will, on occasion, stake out an opinion in the middle. The other 4 are totally blond/rabid partisans.


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