Monday, May 10, 2010

Anatomy of a Piece of Bullshit

When asked why he didn't vote for Elena Kagan the first time (back when she was nominated for Solicitor General), Arlen Specter says that it was because she didn't answer certain important questions of his. Hm, yeah, and if you believe that, folks, I got a shit-load of cold, hard currency for you - MONOPOLY MONEY!! In the words of Burt Lancaster's Mr. Merrill from "The Swimmer", Mr. Specter, "you're a liar, you're a God-damned liar!!".................................................................................................I mean, come on here, we all kinda' know why he opposed Ms. Kagan the first time. The frigging guy was trying to placate the Republican base/establishment (yeah, like that little ploy would have ever worked - the base frigging hated Specter). And, of course, now that Mr. Specter's a "Democratic Senator", dimes to donuts that this same fellow's going to be getting those answers. You just gotta love it, don't you?


  1. Specter will be done after next weeks primary,even his new party does'nt want that creepy bastard.Good riddence.

  2. As a moderate, I've always kind of liked Specter. But this move of his to switch parties was about as transparent an act as I've seen in quite some time. I personally hope that he loses to Sestak.....I didn't like the way that he took a swipe at Sestak's military record, either. That I thought was really nasty.

  3. You just got to love it, don't you?

    Hell yeah, its the funniest Goddamn comedy money can buy. I seriously believe ALL elected officials need to be forced to wear clown clothes complete with white face paint, red nose, and huge shoes.

  4. Specter will be gone,Bennet lost his GOP primary and Harry Reid will be done in Nov. Do you think maybe the people are just a little pissed off.

  5. Not a good time to be an incumbent, apparently. Of course (and, yes, as my colleague, double b, implies here), the fact that these guys are big time selling their souls - that ain't exactly be helpin' the situation, neither.


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