Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hysterically Speaking (This Time From the Left)

Look, folks. I am more than willing to concede that there are potential problems (racial profiling, for one) with this Arizona immigration law. But to constantly engage in the type of fear-mongering that Olbermann and Maddow have been doing the last couple weeks or so hasn't exactly been helpful, either. I mean, if you listen to them (activist journalism, at its worst), you clearly get the impression that the Arizona authorities are going to be shipping (after they round them all up willy-nilly/Gestapo style first, of course), not just illegals, mind you, but frigging ALL Hispanics to Auschwitz. It's absolutely preposterous (at worst, the illegals will be sent back to Mexico).............................................................................................................Of course, what really gets to me is the total lack of nuance (from people who obviously see themselves as intellectually superior). In fact, folks, I might even go as far as to say that these far-left ramrods are every bit as indecipherable as their far right counterparts; Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity (alright, maybe not Hannity), etc.. And, no, I couldn't care less that they're doing it for "our own good". Seriously.


  1. In fact, folks, I might even go as far as to say that these far-left ramrods are every bit as indecipherable as their far right counterparts; Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity (alright, maybe not Hannity)

    I completely agree. Actually with commonsense a far rarer commodity than anything else these days I figure we are screwed.

  2. Olbermann and Maddow were actually give a pretty good hand on this issue. Unfortunately, they did what they always seem to do - overplay it.


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