Saturday, April 3, 2010

Take a Piece of Advice and Call Me in the Morning

Maybe it's about time that the Republicans started listening to David Frumm. This, in that, yes, Mr. Frumm (who I initially didn't care for in that it was him who allegedly penned that stupid "axis of evil" talking point) appears to be one of the few folks from that side of the aisle making sense these days (this is not to imply that the Dems have been all that cogent, either). Especially adept he's been in articulating just how debilitating (to the party and to the country) all of this obstructionism has been. He feels that the Republicans should have been far more engaging throughout this process (yes, I'm referring here to health-care reform). This, I'm saying, as opposed to the flat-out rejection of a bill that in many ways was similar to a) the Republicans' own bill from 1993, b) Mitt Romney's Massachusetts plan, and c) the bipartisan Wyden-Bennett plan from, well, just last year!!..............................................................................................I mean, don't get me wrong here. The bill that the Democrats ultimately came up with was flawed (I personally support Ezekiel Emanuel's plan of vouchers and health boards) and, yes, because of that, I can totally see having some opposition to it. But come on, roll up your sleeves and try to make it better. Don't just go around trying to make the President look like an idiot. All that that does is make you look stupid.


  1. Is health care reform necessary? Yes absolutly.Is it necessary to push through a bad bill? No it is'nt.

    Every poll shows well over 50% of americans do not want this bill in its entirety.Yes,of course there are parts of the bill that some find appealing but as a whole not so much.

    Why would the minority agree to a bill that they were left completely out of? Is tort reform included? Can you buy insurance across state lines? Why were Cadillac plans left untouched?

    How popular was this bill? Two weeks after its signing Obamas popularity is at its lowest level ever.The bump he got lasted one week.

  2. I'll be honest with you, Russ. I probably wouldn't have voted for this bill, as is, either. But the way that the Republicans are calling it socialistic when it 1) actually helps pharmaceuticals and insurance companies and 2) closely resembles their own bills from recently, I'm sorry, they really have to lose points for that. The Dems - they lost points for the rancid deal-making. I agree with you there.

  3. Will,dont paint all Republicans with such a broad brush,thats kind of the way the lunatic left tries to paint all Tea Party members as racist.

    I think you'd agree Obama's adgenda includes having America look more like Europe,essentially a nanny state taking care of everyone from cradle to grave.Thats all well and good if you're willing to accept a tax rate of 70% and a constant 15 to 20% unemployment rate.

  4. Will,
    off-topic but I think you'll enjoy this:

  5. That is totally my kind of humor, Oso. Thanks for sharing. Talk about a cursed sports franchise, huh? They're frigging worse than the Knicks!!

  6. Rusty, you may be right about Obama. I don't know. My only point is that, if in fact you do say that about him, you kind of also have to say it about Romney and the 9 Republican co-sponsors of the Wyden-Bennett bill of 2007/2009. All of these bills are pretty darn similar.

  7. Romney is a little bit too slick for me Will.

    I'm more a Cantor,Ryan type of person.


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