Friday, April 2, 2010

New Wide Receiver's Society

Joe Watson (Davie High, Mocksville North Carolina) is one of those gridiron stars who, in the past, would have never even given Duke University a whiff. Now, NOW, not only has the 6'3" 215 pound speed merchant taken a look at Duke, he's verbally committed to them. This isn't to say that Watson had had an overabundance of ink. Other than Duke, only the University of Kentucky had extended him a scholarship. But, at least from what I can gather, the interest was getting high and, yes, it was only a question of time before other schools such as Wake Forest, Syracuse, etc. started courting. He IS that good. I'm telling you folks, if the people of Durham can 1) stay patient and 2) retain their coach, David Cutcliffe, they just might have more than college hoopsters to brag about.


  1. If I were a pointy-ball fan, Mr. Hart, I would say "go Joe". But, alas, I'm a fan of the 'roundy' football game. Futbol!

  2. Okay, no snarky comments about my friend Vigil's dedication to what any true red-blooded American would call soccer as they turn their nose up with its overabundance of direct connections to socialistic Europeans.

    Down here in the bastion of the conservative heartland all the good God-fearing folks have their crumb snatchers playing the game.

  3. There's no doubt entertained here as to the extent that pointy ball is an American institution, Beach. I will always, however, argue the merits of international futbol over our parochial platoon ball. As in basketball and baseball (without the designated hitter rule), I like the symmetry where the same players are expected to play offense and defense.

  4. Actually, gentlemen, I DO like futbol/soccer. I just wish that they would widen the goal a tad and try and get a little more scoring. I personally think that more Americans would watch a 7-5 game than a series of 1-0 games.

  5. Widen the goal?????????

    Why so lazy Americans have a chance?

    I bet you also want a bigger rim in basketball, and smaller baseball fields.

    Keep futbal the same, and get rid of the easy way outs for lazy Americans, I say.

    Also get rid of the designated hitter rule, so all baseball players have to equally play both sides of the ball.

    PS: get rid of all steroids, if a player is caught cheating that way, banned for life First Offense, (even if in high school or college) no exceptions, no second chances, that would end that scandal, and make sports competitive again.

  6. It's just my opinion, Clif. And, really, I think that all nationalities would benefit equally. I agree with you on the steroids, btw.

  7. Rugby and Cricket anyone??? Call me if yes...

  8. Tee, It is said that rugby is a game intended for hooligans played by gentlemen; futbol is a game intended for gentlemen played by hooligans.

    That said, I have to disclose that I never attempted rugby. So, I have to decline.

  9. From what I can gather, Vig, some of those fans who watch said futbol are also hooligans. Have you ever seen that SNL skit from the 90s (Mike Myers and Mark McKenna); "Scottish Soccer Hooligans Weekly" ? It's hilarious. "I stuck a Coke bottle up his Flemish bum, went into a Fatty Arbucklin' dementia, took a tuffy hammer to his rectal vault, smashed the Coke bottle into a thousand pieces!!!"

  10. One more point about pointy football as opposed to roundie football. My daughter in law told me today, and I looked it up to confirm her: there is actually only about 12 minutes of real playing time in a pointy NFL game. 60 minutes on the clock and another 60 minutes off the clock.

    I think that's a significant difference!

  11. She's correct Vig,but there's a whole lotta shakin goin on in those 12 minutes.


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