Sunday, April 4, 2010

Cockroach Jounalism X2

Here it is, folks, ANOTHER LIE! This time, though, damned if it isn't a real doozy.....Get this. According to the intrepid one, Mr. Bartlebee, I have consistently been a champion of that right-wing rabble-rouser/film-maker, James O'Keefe. His specific charge is that I've been heralding that ACORN expose of his and, yes, slandering ACORN as well. Well, guess what, folks. He's full of bull-crap. In fact, I don't think that I've ever even written once on the incident. Yes, I have done a piece that was critical of ACORN. But it had absolutely nothing to do with O'Keefe. No sir. It only had to do with ACORN's hypocrisy relative to minimum wage/unionizing (i.e., championing these concepts for most workers - boldly ignoring them when it comes to their own folks). Not that I expect an apology for any of this, of course. This, in that, nada, it simply isn't a part of his make-up - apparently.


  1. Nice rundown how the right winger O'Keefe lied and the corporate owned news organizations pushed another right wing lie, for their own purposes.

    As it's coming out, O'Keefe went in dressed like a college student and told the ACORN workers that he was concerned about his girlfriend being abused by her pimp and the part of the tape about hiding money in a tin can in the backyard was to keep it from her pimp -- not the government. I wonder what is on the tapes? Why haven't they released them? Oh, because they were "heavily edited" and don't show what O'Keefe and girlfriend said. Duh. How could the media not DEMAND to see the whole tapes before the released these edited versions? How did the media not report on how ACORN staffers called the police in some instances because they didn't know what this "couple" was up to?

  2. PS O'Keefe is the same criminal accused of trying to wiretap a sitting US senators office,

    Didn't somebody tell the little punk Bush was out of office so illegal wiretapping was gonna get you busted again?

    4 separate states looked at the UNEDITED tapes and all states O'Keefe lied, Breitbart LIED, Fox News lied, and the GOP went ballistic over a lie (that was tailored to fit their political agenda) as usual.

    Now watch the right wingers try to spin the fact O'Keefe lied, and the right wing noise machine hyped the lie for the GOP and right wing benefit.

  3. Well that ezplains everything.Wheee,for a while there I thought ACORN was doing some shady shit.

    I'm so damn happy this anonymous poster has come here and shined the light of truth on ACORN.

    We need more people like anonymous to light the path.Now here's a guy that is behind ACORN 100% no matter what anyone else says...he's sreadfast and true.

    Anonymous is one among us that appreciates and is more then willing to hold the ACORN banner high and extol the contributions ACORN has brought to us.

    Anonymous would defend ACORN to his dying breath.He know in his heart the values ACORN holds are true to his inner being.

    All hail Anonymous....all hail Anonymous.....for he is the true keeper of the ACORN flame.

  4. God Bless you alone have brought the light into the alone have shown us the true ACORN....Again,God bless you sir sir are a light in the darkness.

  5. The more I think about the suffering anonymous has endured in his support of ACORN the closer I come to having a tear in my eye.

    He has endured the slings and arrows of those who would belittle ACORN,yet he has stood ramrod straight in their defense.I say hip,hip to anonymous,he alone has been the only one to spit in the face of the barrage of negative news about ACORN while remaining steadfast and true.

    Join me in a hearty...hip,hip hooray....hip,hip,hooray.....hip,hip hooray to anonymous.

  6. I have no idea what happened between ACORN and O'Keefe. Maybe Mr. O'Keefe truly is a sleazebag. But to say tha ACORN is a good and decent organization (as Bart has proclaimed over at Lydia's) may in fact be well over the top as well.....But, really, Clif/Bart, it isn't me and Rusty that you have to convince. It's Barney Frank. Yeah, that's right. Mr. Frank was one of those 345 congressmen/women who voted to cut off funding to to this fine organizationTake it up with him.

  7. This leaves 2 possibilities, gentlemen. Either ACORN ISN'T a good and decent organization OR Congressman Frank is a spineless politician who's caving in to pressure. Hm. Which one is it?

  8. The US DOJ, California Cttorney General said Acorn didn't break the law, and O'Keefe edited the video tapes to LIE about what he taped.

    Both Breitbart (who has admitted he pays O'Keefe to make up lies like this) and O'Keefe keep refusing to release the unedited tapes because they know the lies would be totally exposed, however the US DOJ and California Attorney general subpoenaed the tapes as part of their separate investigations. That is why I would rather take their word then the word of a right wing liar like crusty.

    Damn Willy, do a modicum of research before foisting your right wing talking points in the aid of crusty's meltdown because he lied to your face, got called on it before you sucked it right up for him.

    O'keefe is being shown what he really is, another right wing liar, which is why crusty is trying so hard to bury the truth about them.

    Right wing liars stick together, in their delusional beliefs any body accepts what they say much anymore beside the tea baggers and Fox News watching Rush Limbaugh delusional followers.

  9. What right-wing talking-points did I utter, Clif? I agreed with you that this O'Keefe guy may in fact be oily. All I asked is that you also forward your conserns to Mr. Frank and his 100 plus Democratic colleagues in the House. Did they or did they not vote to cut off the funding?

  10. "Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victim may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated, but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."

    - C.S. Lewis

  11. I have a certain degree of sympathy for that sentiment, Volt. Be prepared, though, for a humungous onslaught from others.

  12. Yes, that would be the ones who just want the best for us.

  13. Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victim may be the most oppressive.

    You must hate all organized religions, since that is the core of their principles, telling us how to act and most times trying to force it upon us in the name of their particular religion.

    IE; laws specifically set to enforce their beliefs upon everyone no matter whether that person accepts those beliefs.

    Litmus tests for judges and politicos, like the GOP and tea baggers use, don't lie and claim they do not. Hell you claim those who don't toe the right wing extremist line are RINO's, and attack everyone to the left of them as pinkos commies etc.

    Sorta makes you the pot, in this pot kettle moment Volt.

    Then again you usually do make such hypocritical claims using somebody else's saying trying to push your extreme partisan agenda which has failed miserably the last 30 years.

  14. Advocating a moral life is certainly not a crime and comes under free speech. And no one's forcing you to listen. Change the channel or walk away.

    Hey but at least YOUR side doesn't tell us how to act or try to force it on us in the name of a particular ideology.

    IE; laws specifically set to enforce your beliefs upon everyone no matter whether that person accepts those beliefs.

    Litmus tests for judges and politicos, like whether or not they believe in killing unborn babies, don't lie and claim they do not. Hell you claim those who don't toe the left wing extremist line are DINO's, and attack everyone to the right of them as nazis, dictators etc.

    Sorta makes you the pot, in this pot kettle moment Anonypuss.

    Then again you usually do make such hypocritical claims using somebody else's saying trying to push your extreme partisan agenda which has failed miserably the last 80 years.

  15. Can't be Bart Rusty. Even Bart isn't THAT stupid.

    It's cliffy.

  16. Sorry Volt, but Social Security Insurance didn't lose 50% of its value in the stock market meltdown but the right wing invest and become rich certainly did, along with the money they foolishly listened to the right wing greed meisters to invest all they could in the bait and switch fraud scheme wall street had running.

    PS; unemployment insurance saved many people where the republican idea of handing money to Wall street crashed big time taking millions of jobs with it.

    Sorry but that isn't a failure even if you dishonestly claim it is, but the ayn rand fairy tale did fail big time, even Greenspan her disciple admits that.

    FDR's safety net worked even when Reaganism as practiced by Bush ET Al fell flat on its face.

    So as usual you lose while claiming victory.

    Why is that not surprising volt?

  17. PS as for your and Willy's guessing game you both are thinking way too small.

    But then again you both usually do.


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