Friday, April 2, 2010

Tea Stains

While I agree with you folks (yeah, I guess that I'm talking to liberals on this one) that Palin would more than likely be a disaster as President and that, yes, there is in fact a lunatic fringe element out there in her audience, I'm not so sure that I can go as far as to tar an entire movement. Just like I wouldn't tar the entire civil rights movement over some of the nastiness that Sharpton and Farrakhan have said....or the entire anti-Iraq War movement for all of those "Bush is a Nazi" signs that were utilized. People STILL need to be judged as individuals (a central tenet of liberalism, no?), I think.


  1. No, I refuse to judge people on an individual basis and on how they reflect their character, and you can't make me. So, there.

  2. Actually, there are a lot of nimrods in those crowds, come to think of it. LOL


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