Friday, April 23, 2010

The Longest Fued This Side of Tully Blanchard and the "American Dream", Dusty Rhodes

In terms of this latest scrum between John Stewart and Fox's Bernie Goldberg, I think it's fair to say that both men have gotten in some hay-makers. Mr. Goldberg is correct in pointing out that Stewart's liberal guests get a much more cushy treatment than do his conservative ones. Stewart - he, on the other hand, is right in pointing out that Fox News is itself extremely biased, that it seems in fact to have a strong "narrative", etc.. But the thing is, folks, as long as Fox News continues to advertise itself as a "fair and balanced" network (clearly something that Mr. Stewart has never, ever, claimed to be), the comedian will no doubt continue to have the overall upper-hand. Or at least that's the way that I see it.


  1. You never watched professional wrestling in the 70s, Vig? Man, was it ever hilarious back then. The American Dream, Dusty Rhodes!!

  2. "professional wrestling", the most over hyped scripted crap on TV ... till reality shows came along, that is.

  3. You're right, Hart, I never watched wrestling. There's only one Dusty Rhodes, and he wasn't scripted.

  4. On a completely different subject Ric Flair will always be "The Man". Ric even now would kick Dusty's ass with him in his prime.

    Have to say I side with Stewart on this for several reasons beyond him be liberal. If poor Bernie, and the rest of Fox, was so convinced Jon is a nobody with a "tiny" and "unsophisticated" audience why whine and froth at the mouth so much?

    No less than Hannity, Beck, and O'Reilly who believe it or not I actually like sometimes have freaked out over poor Jon.

    I was always taught to ignore little shits, giving them attention only brings them to your level. One the other hand I see Fox freaking over Jon because its just another issue to inflame their watchers. Given that both MSNBC and Fox are guilty of using that tactic says little for political discourse and the possibility that some dumbass will go violent before long.

  5. I agree, anonymous. Professional wrestling, as it's presently constituted, is one of the stupidest things in the galaxy. But, back in the golden days, it was truly hilarious; very campy, very irreverant, very tongue in cheek, and, yes, very entertaining, too!.....I agree with you, too, double b - Mr.s Flair and Stewart are both extremely blistering.

  6. Vince McMahon made a fortune with the WWF and WEE.
    I agree with Will it used to be pretty damn entertaining.It was usually good vs. evil.Hell the first Wrestle Mainia drew over 70,000 to the Sivler Dome plus millions on pay per view.
    I liked Sgt.Slaughter against The Iron Shiek.

  7. I hate to say this, Russ, but me - I go a lot further back than that. I used to watch Ivan Putski, Superstar Billy Graham, Chief Jay Strongbow, Mr. Fuji - guys like that. Hell, I even remeber the Rock's grandfather, High Chief Peter Maivia (from the Isle of Somoa).

  8. When I was really young I remember watching Killer Kowalski and his claw hold.

    Old time wrestling was a good show because they always had a theme.Good vs.bad,american vs.evil doer and so on.We all knew it was fake but it was a good show.


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