Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Patty Duke of Politics

Whenever I see Mitt Romney, I always see two different individuals. One of these people is an intelligent, talented, and, yes, oft-times reasonable, individual who, yes, I could in fact see in a position of authority. The other person - he, unfortunately, isn't nearly as attractive as him. This, folks, in that, yes, this "other" Mr. Romney is a politician who will literally (and, yes, when I say literally, I literally mean literally) do or say anything in order to ingratiate himself to the audience/electorate he is speaking/pandering to....................................................................................................I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm fully aware that they ALL do this type of thing to a degree. But, I'm telling you, the way/degree to which Mr. Romney has been flip-flopping, etc., I truly find it very unnerving. Let's just hope that he never has to speak in front of a Klan rally/anything even remotely resembling that. For now, though, I think that, yes, it's fairly reasonable to call the fellow bogus, cynical, opportunistic, slick, etc.. That, and be done with it......Mr. Romney, it clearly appears as if your opportunity (to be President) has by-passed. Whether it EVER really existed or not, that, folks, is probably something for another pow-wow. Until then.....


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  2. The truth is the vast majority on both the left and the right would sell their souls for power. Some just hide it betters than others while a very, very few actually care about future generations.

  3. That's why I liked Paul Tsongas so much. That guy didn't pander, period......Speaking of pandering, how 'bout McCain in that little primary battle down in Arizona? Now the guy's saying that he never really considered himself a maverick. Youza, huh?


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