Saturday, April 24, 2010

Criticism - Surgical, As Opposed to Detonation

There seems to be at least some confusion regarding my position on the tea party movement. Please, allow me here the opportunity to clarify a bit. 1) I DO condemn those people who've been bringing guns to the rallies (a smallish percentage but, yes, I do in fact condemn them). 2) I DO condemn the people who've been bringing racist and/or hyperbolic signs ("Obama is Hitler", for example) to the rallies (again, probably a very small percentage). 3) I DO sense a certain degree of irrationality to the stated positions of some of these people ("keep your government hands off of my Medicare", for example). 4) I DON'T, however, think that we should be stereotyping tea party members, constantly comparing them to idiots like Timothy McVeigh, etc.. That, my friends, isn't any more intellectually honest than what the far-right did to then-candidate Obama during the 2008 campaign. And, besides, isn't stereotyping supposed to be very ANTI-liberal? Me, I always kind of thought that it was.

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