Saturday, April 24, 2010

Superman - It's Only a Nickname, Not to be Taken Literally

My colleague, double b (aka, Beach Bum), makes a very important point. Namely, You CANNOT please everyone. And, yes, the person who knows this better than anybody is probably Orlando Magic center, Dwight Howard. Mr. Howard is, without a doubt, the very best center in the NBA. Hell, you could even go as far as to say that the guy is also amongst the top 5 players in the entire league - period/regardless of position. But still, this perennial all-star continuously faces these same old hackneyed criticisms, "he isn't offensively explosive enough", "he never takes over a game at crunch-time", etc.....................................................................................................Well, guess what, folks, Mr. Howard, in addition to his Bill Russell caliber work on the boards/defensive side of the ball, has averaged 17.6, 20.7, 20.6, and 18.3 points a game over the last four years. That sounds pretty damn good to me. And while I don't necessarily want to bore you with statistics here, just try and get a load of some of these numbers. Howard has led the league in rebounding average the last three years (14.2, 13.8, 13.2). He's led the league in total rebounds the last five (1,022, 1,008, 1,161, 1,093, 1,082). And he's led the league in blocked shots each of the last two years, average as well as total (231/2.9, 228/2.8). Oh, and did I mention the fact that he led his team to the NBA finals last year? It's like, what, what do these frigging fat 'n doughy sports reporters/couch potatoes want - the real frigging Superman, for Christ?

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