Thursday, April 8, 2010

Collateral Dumbage

Here's the way that I see it, folks. If the citizens of a certain state or district really want to send an extremist (a Bernie Sanders, a James Inhofe, etc.) to Washington, then, yeah, that's totally up to them. I would personally much prefer a John Breaux/Bill Cohen type myself but, certainly, democracy does in fact rule here. The only thing that I ask of people is that, if in fact you do elect an extremist, could you at least try and elect an intelligent one.............................................................................................Yeah, that's right, folks, I'm talking about Congresswoman Bachman again. I mean, seriously, have you not heard the latest? This woman is actually telling her conservative friends/constituents to NOT fill out the census. Talk about a counterproductive piece of advice. She's literally telling her conservative friends not to be counted. It's like, does she not know that this could actually end up hurting the Republicans (this, in that they could actually end up gaining a seat or two via the census)? Or is she just so conditioned that she simply can't help herself (the government is bad, don't cooperate with the government, yada yada)?............................................................................................Now, this isn't to imply that there aren't any problems with the census (the emphasis that it places on race, for instance, confidentially concerns, etc.). One could clearly argue that there are problems. But it's the frigging law, people. Hell, it's even in the Constitution. What, Bachman doesn't care about the Constitution now?


  1. Mr. Hart, sir, we've all known for some time that Congressmen & Congresswomen - as a lot - are over-paid, under-employed. And now you are telling us that some of them are intellectually challenged? It's too much to bear; I'll have to pour another Mai Tai.

  2. Have you been catching Mrs. Bachman lately? She's starting to make Palin sound like Jean Kirkpatrick.

  3. I have blogged extensively on The Palin and The Bachmann. I cannot help myself. It is truly the team of dumb and dumber Will. Then again it makes good press.

  4. P.S. As we speak that silly Palin is on TV trashing Obama. What an idiot.

  5. When Palin first came on the scene, she actually impressed me somewhat. And I actually did defend her (this, as opposed to supporting her) for a while. But, yeah, you're right, Mike, the trajectory downward has been quite precipitous of late. And, no, I'm not exactly a fan of her divisiveness, either.

  6. "P.S. As we speak that silly Palin is on TV trashing Obama. What an idiot."

    I agree, but you guys elected him anyway...

  7. Why the fuss about Palin from the lunatic fringe?

    She's not an elected official,she's not running for any office,she's just a woman trying to help support her family.

  8. It's a bit telling the libs never mention when one of thiers says something downright stupid.

    The other day a curly haired twit named Debbie Wasserman Schultz said under Obama Care you wont be forced to buy healthcare and there will be no penalty if you dont.Now,this is a dem who voted for the bill.

  9. Oh yea,I'm gonna tell you,this Debbie Wasserman Schultz is one of the ulgiest women walking the planet.Could you imagine if her and Henry Waxman hooked up and god the kid would look like E.T..

  10. Mad Mikey needs to take down that picture of his wife....either that or get an updated one.

  11. I saw that, too, Rusty. I also saw Congressman Weiner say the exact same thing on O'Reilly's show. To be sure, the Democrats haven't exactly been totally honest, either.


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