Friday, April 9, 2010

Evidence? What Evidence?

Have you noticed how a lot of the talking-heads over at Fox (Sean Hannity, Bernard Goldberg, Laura Ingraham, etc., etc.) have been clamoring lately, "PLEASE, show me some evidence (this, in regards to some tea party members' use of the n-word, etc.)!" Of course, now that we actually have some of this "hard" evidence (audio-taped messages, especially), they suddenly don't seem to be all that interested anymore (so, too, there's a seeming lack of interest in the RNC strip-club scandal). Hm. Gee, I wonder why that is............................................................................................................P.S. Just to be fair, it should also be pointed out that so, too, does MSNBC ignore certain things. In Nevada, for instance, supporters of Harry Reid were caught on videotape throwing eggs at a tea party bus. MSNBC didn't cover that event AT ALL. Apparently, folks, that story wasn't at all consistent with THEIR "narrative".


  1. You have a point Will. Yet; I would observe that MSNBC, CBS, NBC and ABC seem to show 'mostly' the everyside of an issue/event.... whereas Fox, well, easily understood when you go take a gander.

  2. Gwenny does'nt have a comment about the fairness of MSNBC? Hmmm,how common.

  3. I'll tell you guys what. MSNBC, during the day, it generally isn't all that bad. But in prime time (Schultz, Matthews, Olbermann, Maddow), yeah, it's just as biased as Fox. I personally have a hard time watching it.

  4. Oh there is bias at MSNBC... and that bias is what draws me there... they seem more biased to the facts, as well as their pro-progressive / liberal stance.
    I think if you want as 'clear' an unbiased cast of the new you really do have to stick to the big 3 networks and their nightly national news... at least it seems that way to me. :-)

  5. I'll be honest with you, Gwen. A large chunk of the things that I've learned in life, I've probably learned more of those things from people who I disagree with rather than those I agree with (something to do with the cognitive dissonance promoting accomodation - this, as opposed to assimilation). But with Olbermann, I'm telling you, all I ever see is an angry, indignant man who seemingly likes attacking people/avoiding debates. If I had to listen to a partisan liberal, I would much prefer it be a fellow like E.J. Dionne or Joe Conason.

  6. There is something about a lesbian progressive who kicks ass that just has me going back to MSNBC over and over.
    Fox should have a few lesbians in their lineup...then I won't care how much they spit on the truth...

  7. I'm totally with you on the lesbian thing, Teeluck. I just wish that the lesbian in question looked a little more like Norah O'Donnell or Ashleigh Banfield. THEN, I would be really psyched!

  8. Of course MSNBC is biased and in my opinion more so to the left then Fox is to the right.If you take Hannity and Beck out of the mix Fox is in fact pretty damn mainstream.At least they are open to different points of view where MSNBC is just an echo chamber.Some one please tell me when KO or the carpet muncher had on someone who disagreed with either of them?

    I dont think KO could handle him self in an actual debate.

    So Gwenny is a pretty typical lefty...cant handle an opposing point of view.

  9. If you take Hannity and Beck out of the mix Fox is in fact pretty damn mainstream.

    Far from it with Roger Ailes, John Moody (you know the Fox guy who pushed the Obama supporter attacked a McCain supporter by carving a B backwards in her face, LIE) running the propaganda channel for republicans which is what Fox news was set up to be in the first place.

    The fact Breitbart knows fox will push his dishonest propaganda hit pieces like they pushed the O'Keefe lies.

    The fact that a majority of the 2008 Republican presidential wanna be class is currently working directly for Fox.

    Not to mention Rove ET AL from the bush debacle.

    The three morning bobble heads are straight out of Rovian casting, say anything as long as it advanced the right wing viewpoint no matter how far from the truth like beck has admitted doing for money.

    The fact fox basically was the free advertising and support channel for the tea baggers all last summer also belies crusty's latest lies.

    But then again crusty does lie a lot to push his hard right partisan agenda even if he never gets called on it IN THE SAME MANNER, like Willy does democrats and left leaning people.

  10. Clif/Bartlebee, you know that I basically agree with you on Fox. I don't like Glenn Beck. I don't like Hannity. And I especially don't like the 3 morning hosts (O'Reilly and Cavuto I can pretty much deal with). Rusty knows about this and he's totally fine with it (he doesn't constantly impugn my motivation like you guys do). Why do I have to have the same toxic relationship with him that you have? My God, can't you just try and be thoughtful and analytical for a change?

  11. We all have bias. It depends where you prefer your news / commentary. I don't think of Fox as any source of news or my interest as far as commentary. I do prefer Rachel Maddow and KO. I do not think Fox is a responsible new outlet, I think of them more as infotainment and the pr branch of whatever 'bleeds it leads' political crowd is making headlines. Like their political branch, they lie... not by accident, on purpose. I don't find purpose in the likes of Beck, Hannity...etc.
    Disagreement is a fine school...I disagree with many of you all I blog with.
    Being actually 'against' certain kinds of political expression, well, that's my character and speaking out against politics / ideologies I don't agree with it is natural to me. It's not important from me here to qualify what resources since all of this is based in OP - ED...yes? Your opinions / my opinions... mine here are mostly aligned with "anonymous" ...
    Lesbian references sort of dip the whole discussion down. Ms Maddow... is that all you get from her? That's a shame. My idealism stokes my appreciation for KO.

    Will, I'm always learning from folks I disagree with... I understand you are probably indicating that you learn and grow through being corrected or your attention drawn to what you did not realize prior to a debate... and I can agree with that. I think any honest individual can. But my fundamental, bedrock truths have been achieved in following my own drum.
    And you have every right to call me whatever fool you think me to be for it~! :-)

  12. Was'nt it fantastic to watch Phil Mickelson win the Master's today.Augusta National is one of the most beautiful places on earth.

    Yes the Master's and everything associated with it is a true slice of americana right there with the World Series and Superbowl.

    And that golf course,its just heaven on earth so much like the true american royalty that run it.Yes,I'm sure all would gladly admit The Master's and Augusta National are american treasure's.

  13. Golf, the second most boring thing to watch others do.

  14. Anonymous,not knowing a single thing about the Master's or its history calls the event boring.

    He has no idea that the winner's wife and mother have been fighting breast cancer for almost a year and that Phil Mickelson's wife came off her sick bed to be at the back of the 18th green to welcome her husband along with their three children.

    Yea,I guess to him that would be boring.A lively day for him is sitting at a keyboard eating hot pockets,cheetos and washing them down with Mountain Dew while playing with his light saber.

  15. I love Augusta National.Its owned by guys that have lived the american dream.They used their hard work and smarts to amass massive ammouts of money.They build their own club,they decide who the members will be,they decide who the TV sponsors will be,they decide who the announcers will be,they decide who will be able to play golf there and who will be allowed on the grounds to watch it.When you walk through gate you're given a paper telling you how to present yourself as a patron of the Masters,if you violate the rules you're shown the door.

    And the most important thing...if you dont like what they do....tough shit!

  16. Um crusty I said G-O-L-F, not anything about the Masters at all,

    Try speak and spell so you can understand what people are saying instead of the fool in your head telling you what you thunk they said.

  17. I'm not a big fan of golf, either, Russ. But, yeah, I'm totally happy for Phil Mickelson. After the miserable year that he's had, this is wonderful news. And it's good to have an inspirational sports story every once in a while (this, I'm saying, as opposed to guys/cretins like Woods and Roethlosberger).

  18. Gwen, what can I say, Teeluck and I are a couple of dudes. And, yes, because of that, we're totally enamored with lesbians. It's in our DNA! As for Rachel Maddow, specifically, I find her just as biased and hypocritical as the rest of 'em. Like with this whole Bart Stupak thing. When it looked like Mr. Stupak was going to vote NO on the health-care legislation, she was basically all over the guy (i.e., investigating his every move). Now, though, that Stupak is suddenly doing what she wanted him to do, she's suddenly not all that interested in scutinizing him any more. Stuff like that really rubs me the wrong way.

  19. Looks like viewers feel the same as you Will.

    Here's MSNBC's ratings drop from 1st quarter 2009 to 1st quarter 2010.

    Matthews down 46%
    Olbermann down 43%
    Maddow down 38%

    Smells like Air America.

  20. Viewers are seeing MSNBC for what it is.Hatred filled screeching hosts,the same tired quests.In other words a one trick pony.

    This past weekend Roger Ailes was called the most powerful person in TV news...that includes the MSM.They must be doing something right.

    I'd guess when Comcast completes its buy of NBC from GE there will be some serious changes at MSNBC.

  21. Hey Will,if you'd like an example of just how pitiful worf/bart/anonymous is take a jog through LC and see him have a conversation with himself.


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