Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Grassy Something

While I generally don't consider myself a huge conspiracy-theory type/fellow, I do have to admit it here folks, I am starting to get at least a little suspicious. I point specifically to the fact that the ABC television network has apparently decided that they.....(oh, alright, I'll just say it here) WANT TO FRIGGING KILL ME!!! I mean, I don't know if you'all have noticed it or not, but these sadistic bastards have decided to put Courteney Cox ("Cougar Town") and Vanessa Williams ("Ugly Betty"), not just on on the same evening, mind you, but back to frigging ball-busting back!! It's like, come on, don't these corporatist sons of bitches know that there are a humongous number of us middle-aged fellas' out there who just can't handle this type of stimulation? And, no, don't even try and give me any of that bullshit about changing the channel. This, in that, DNA-wise, we all know that that little situation ISN'T gonna happen.....I just hope that those slimy bastards have some big time attorneys. For their sake, I'm saying!


  1. Well the scariest thing for me is how alike I am to the character of Courteney Cox's ex-husband, Bobby, on the show.

  2. I'd say that Bobby was the funniest guy on the show, except for the fact that they're ALL funny! Hell, I'd probably even watch it if Courteney wasn't on it.....$32,000,000, Rusty? Wow! You're right, that isn't bad at all. I still think, though, that Stern has him beat. And, plus, he has lesbians!!

  3. Believe it or not: Forbes reported that Glen Beck earned 32 million dollars last year.Not bad for a crazy bastard.

    Who publicly admitted he doesn't believe the partisan crap he spews, he is only in it for the money.

    Beck admits he doesn’t give ‘a flying crap about the political process. … We’re an entertainment company.'

    Too bad the tea baggers don't understand how he used them to get rich. But then again he has good company, Limbaugh, ET AL.

  4. Well sparky,32 mil is a hell of a lot of teabags,any way you try to cut it.

    KO and the carpet munchers heads must be exploding over that news.Not to mention the drunkin Randi Rhodes.


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