Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy Meals For Adults

One of the things that tends to bug me about conservatives/liberals (the much more doctrinaire ones, I'm saying) is that a large chunk of them tend to be conservative/liberal on virtually EVERYTHING!!!.....I mean, I just don't understand AT ALL. What, pray-tell, is this great connection between drilling in the ANWR/stem-cell research/gun control and, I don't know, abortion/minimum-wage laws/a single-payer health-care system? SERIOUSLY, I ask you! I mean, I don't know about you folks but, me, I would much, MUCH prefer to do my ordering off the menu a la carte - that, and to, yes, totally ignore what the idiot next to me is saying.


  1. Willy said " that, and to, yes, totally ignore what the idiot next to me is saying."

    yeah its ABOUT TIME you started ignoring that terrorist supporting IDIOT Crusty!

  2. Poor deluded still dont one here cares what you have to say.Sorry.

  3. Forturnately Will is a couple rungs above you and worf on the evolutionary chain.Sorry again.

  4. Sorry crusty, but the last 4 years actually show the American people don't care what you tea bagging cry babies screech.

    Yes we did.

    And will keep on doing.

  5. O.K. Will,here's where my money is going.

    Butler beats Mich State

    WV beats Duke


    West Virginia beats Butler

    Bob Huggin's proves that you really can go home.

  6. Hi fellas'. I hope that you noticed how I tried to be bipartisan on that one. As for the coolege hoops touney, I'll definitely be rooting for Butler and West Virginia (Butler because they're a Cinderella and West Virginia because I'm a Big East guy)....The women? One guess as to who I'll be rooting for there. LOL

  7. Just for the record, Clif/Bartlebee, I started blogging April 23, 2007. Ergo, I have only been tormenting (or whatever the word was that you used) you folks for 3 years, not 5. No "rounding up", O.K.? LOL

  8. Um Willy, unless your claiming to be crusty, or part of the tea bagging right wing, crusty and only crusty was who the comment was directed at, since he was claiming to speak for everyone here.

    You need to try a reading comprehension course Willy.

  9. I read the comments over at Lydia's. You guys were talking about how the "trolls" have been bothering you for 5 years......No, my reading is quite O.K., thank you. LOL

  10. I went to the Hudson Valley today, Clif (whoever). I saw the Vanderbilt mansion (great views to the river, dude), the Mills mansion, the Samuel F.B. Morse (the dude was also a great painter - did you even know that?) house, the Roosevelt homestead and library, the Eleanor Roosevelt house.....It was great! I didn't frigging think about politics -not even once!!

  11. Sorry Willy, but I made the comment directly to crusty not you,

    In case you didn't know it,

    Very few people really think about you at all.

    PS: I went fishing and hiking on the river bank, and didn't waste my time on you or your wing mates either.

  12. anonymous said..."Miss Crabtree,Miss Crabtree oh oh Miss Crabtree....make Will pay attention to me."

    anonymous said...."come on play with me....I've got Star Wars action figures."

  13. anonymous said..."girls are yucky,Mike is my best friend."

  14. anonymous said..."sports are yucky,I like Mike better then sports."

  15. Sorry crusty, but you are projecting your thoughts onto others again.

  16. Sorry Willy, I wasn't speaking to you again.

  17. "Sorry Will, but I made the comment directly to crusty not you"

  18. Right Willy, but for some reason you always try to make it about you.

    Like you did at Tomcat's place.

  19. "Tomcat!! LOL"

    When you did it, real funny;

    When it happens to you,

    You get all cry baby gibberish don't you Willy?


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